     Abstract:In this paper ,Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 and Ni-Mo-Al-RE-MoSi2 composite coatings were prepared as the bond coating by pulse plating method.The effects of different RE ion on the property of composite coatings were studied,and the optimal operating conditions were found . The morphology surface ,compositions and structure, thermal expansion coefficient and wear resistance of composite plating were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Energy Disperse X-ray detectors (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal expansion instrument(DIL) and Friction and wear Tester.
    SEM shows that the surface of the Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 and Ni-Mo-Al-RE-MoSi2 composite coatings filled witn many particles which are made up of Ni,Mo,MoSi2. The particles on the surface of the Ni-Mo-Al-RE(La、Nd、Y、Dy)-MoSi2 composite coatings are finer; the number of small protuberance group shape particles on the surface of the Ni-Mo-Al-RE(Ce、Pr、Sm)-MoSi2 composite coatings also decrease.
    EDX shows coatings are composed of Ni,Mo,Al,Si and RE(Ce、Dy、La、Nd、Pr、Y、Sm),which illustrates that the coatings are Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 and Ni-Mo-Al-RE-MoSi2 composite coatings. the Mo content in the Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 and Ni-Mo-Al-RE(Ce、Dy、La、Nd、Pr、Y、Sm)-MoSi2 composite coatings is 25.22%、61.66%、32.72%、43.63%、33.82%、33.39%、21.64%、40.65% respectively;the Al content in the Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 and Ni-Mo-Al-RE(Ce、Dy、La、Nd、Pr、Y、Sm)-MoSi2 composite coatings is 2.35%、2.80%、1.71%、5.19%、2.56%、5.63%、9.22%、1.21%,the Si content in the Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 and Ni-Mo-Al-RE(Ce、Dy、La、Nd、Pr、Y、Sm)-MoSi2 composite coatings is 2.23%、1.79%、1.36%、1.57%、2.70%、2.33%、1.05%、3.11%.
    Keywords: Composite coating;MoSi2;Rare earth
    目  录
    1  引言    1
    1.1 热障涂层研究现状    1
    1.2 脉冲复合镀的基本原理    3
    1.2.1 脉冲复合镀    3
    1.2.2 复合电镀机理及模型    4
    1.2.3 影响复合镀层性能的因素    4
    1.3 MoSi2的性能及在复合镀中应用    5
    1.4 稀土在脉冲复合镀中的应用    6
    1.4.1 稀土的介绍    6
    1.4.2 稀土在电镀中的应用    6
    1.5  Al元素的性能及应用    8
    1.6 本课题来源、研究内容及意义    9
    1.6.1 课题来源    9
    1.6.2 研究内容    9
    1.6.3 研究背景及意义    9
    2 实验部分    10
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