    摘要:本文主要研究了高铁的接触线在生产过程中出现的缩孔问题。发现熔液温度,粘度纯净度,冷却强度和上引速度均对缩孔形成有影响。实验结果表明:在上引连铸生产中,冷却强度越高,越不容易产生缩孔,冷却强度越低,越容易产生缩孔,冷却强度以25-30l/min为宜。初始温度越高,越容易产生缩孔。上引速度越快,越容易产生缩孔,上引速度最好225mm/min-261 mm/min之间不容易产生缩孔。冷却水进水温度高,冷却强度越低,缩孔形成概率越大。36835
    Mechanism on center of shrinkage cavity of Magnesium copper alloy rod with continuous up-casting
    Abstract: This paper mainly studied the high iron contact line shrinkage cavity of the problems in the process of production. Found molten temperature, cooling intensity and the lead-rate all have an impact on shrinkage cavity formation. The experimental results show that in the continuous casting production, the higher the cooling intensity, the less prone to shrinkage, the higher the initial temperature, the more prone to shrinkage cavity. The lead faster, more prone to shrinkage, the best speed is not prone to shrinkage lead between 228mm/min-261mm/min.cooling water inlet temperature is high ,the lower the cooling intensity, the greater the probability of shrinkage cavity formation.
    Keywords: The continuous up-casting;shrinkage cavity;cooling intensity
    1.前言    1
    1.1高速铁路用接触线的种类及特点    1
    1.1.1.高铁用接触线的加工方法    1
    1.1.2.高铁对接触线要求    2
    1.2铜镁合金接触线的生产    2
    1.3上引连铸简介    3
    1.4.上引连铸缺陷    4
    1.5上引连铸铜镁合金杆中心缩孔形成影响因素    5
    1.5.1.溶液粘度    5
    1.5.2.熔液温度    5
    1.5.3.熔液纯净度    5
    1.5.4.冷却速度    6
    1.5.5.上引速度    6
    1.6选题的目的和意义    7
    1.7课题的研究内容和目标    7
    1.7.1.研究内容    7
    1.7.2.研究目标    7
    2.实验    9
    2.1试验材料    9
    2.2试验方法    9
    2.2.1.缩孔诊断    9
    2.2.2.上引连铸工艺参数对铜镁合金杆中心缩孔形成的影响    9
    2.3实验设备    10
    2.3.1.上引连铸机    10
    2.3.2.金相显微镜    11
    2.3.3.扫描电镜    11
    2.3.4.抛光机    12
    2.4试验过程    12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
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