    The preparation of ZnO/GO composites and their super capacitive research
    Abstract:ZnO is a kind of materials which have a large band gap structure . At the same time it can be used to produce high-energy battery.Because of its high energy density of 650 A/g, which are often used to active material of the battery. Carbon materials’ performance of the ratio usually shows excellent, reversibility and stability. So, if combined these two kinds of material, retain their advantages, get a more performance superior material, let it used in the capacitor electrodes.Nano ZnO/activated carbon composite material in the first test, the maximum current capacity is 61.7 g/F and power density 4.8 kw/kg , have good initiative and environmental compatibility. This experiment by solvent synthesis method was hot zinc oxide with graphene, the preparation of different proportions of ZnO/Go composites. Then, for the preparation of the samples by XRD, SEM, TEM and other modern means of material analysis, system research and analysis of the microstructure of material preparation; Finally, for the sample preparation of electrode active material, and tested the CV curve, monitoring the nature of the capacitor.
    KeyWords: super capacitor candidate; graphene(GO); Curvecv curve;Composites
    目 录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 超级电容器的研究进展    1
    1.1.1 超级电容器的简介    1
    1.1.2 超级电容器的分类    2
    1.1.3 超级电容器的特点    2
    1.1.3 超级电容器的材料    3
    1.2 石墨烯超级电容器材料    4
    1.2.1 石墨烯的简介    4
    1.2.2 石墨烯制备方法    4
    1.2.3 石墨烯的应用    5
    1.2.4 石墨烯基超级电容器发展    6
    1.3 氧化锌修饰石墨烯复合超级电容器材料    7
    1.4 选题思路    7
    2实验部分    9
    2.1  实验原料及实验仪器设备    9
    2.2  实验过程    10
    2.2.1 氧化石墨烯的实验步骤    10
    2.2.2 石墨烯/氧化锌材料的制备    11
    2.2.3 工作电极的制备    12
    2.2.4 样品形貌的观察,电极电性能的测试    13
    2.3 实验手段    13
    2.3.1  X射线衍射测试    13
    2.3.2 扫描电镜观察    13
    2.3.3 透射电镜观察    13
    2.3.4 电化学性能测试    13
    3结果与讨论    15
    3.1 材料表征分析    15
    3.1.1 氧化锌/石墨烯的XRD谱图分析    15
    3.1.2 氧化锌/石墨烯的FT-IR分析    16
    3.1.3 氧化锌/石墨烯的形貌分析    17
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