



     Design general description

    The graduation project is the subject of an annual output of 100 thousand plastic storage tank factory process design. Compared to the metal material of the fuel tank, a better choice for the use of HDPE tank. Based on the conditions of use, processing conditions and other factors, the standard capacity of the fuel tank is 50L, the color is white, the thickness of the wall and the tolerance of 5 (- 2, + 3) mm.

    The design as follows: from the introduction to the formulation and molding method is described, and from the total process to extrusion blow molding parameters of all the parts of the design and calculation, to determine the selection of equipment, and finally by the material balance, energy balance to non factory process, economic accounting and factory layout, each content will be designed to fully improve.

    In the introduction. It mainly introduces the application and development of plastic fuel tank, and from the point of view of performance and usage and economy, metal tanks and plastic fuel tank to do the comparison, and ultimately determine the HDPE as the design of the material to be used. At the same time, this chapter clarifies the purpose and significance of the design, as well as the design specifications, and the problems needed to be solved in the design are considered.

    In the formula design, the function of each component in the formula is explained, and the commonly used materials are introduced in this paper. According to the characteristics of HDPE, combined with the physical and mechanical properties of the plastic fuel tank, a better formula was designed. In the selection process, in addition to the need to meet the performance requirements of the plastic fuel tank, but also consider the interaction between the components of the formula, the raw material is relatively easy to take, the price is reasonable and other factors. Determine the ratio of the number of parts. Finally, a comprehensive consideration is given to the formulation design table in the form of a list.

    In the molding method select a chapter. In this paper, the forming method of HDPE oil tank is introduced. The injection blow molding and extrusion blow molding are compared, and the extrusion blow molding method is determined as the forming method of the design. In the second section of this chapter, the working principle and characteristics of extrusion blow molding are introduced. Combined with the purpose and requirements of the design, the final decision to adopt a double screw extrusion production of HDPE tank.

    In the production process. First, determine the total process of the design, describes briefly the necessary of the production process, and given the production process of the process layout. Secondly, according to the order of the production process, the production process is introduced and designed in turn. It mainly includes the pretreatment process of the material. Should be said that the extrusion blow molding process section is the focus of this chapter, this section in addition to production equipment and process were described in details, in extrusion blow molding screw and some parameters of the nose with the selection and design, to meet the design requirements, for the selection of equipment and material balance count part provides basis for selection.

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