    关键词  14MnNbq  埋弧焊  CO2气体保护焊   焊接接头  金相组织  硬度
    Title         Analysis of bridge steel welded joints
    The research was done for 14MnNbq, which is the parent metal of the Santak bridge with submerged arc welding and CO2 gas shielded welding. Bridge steel 14MnNbq joint forms are butt joint and corner joint. The experiment stated : diameter 4-5mm the submerged arc welding: welding current is in the range of 550-700A,voltage about 30V,welding speed is controlled in 400mm/min. Diameter 1-2mm the CO2 gas shielded welding: welding current is in the range of 200-300A,voltage is 28-34V ,speed is controlled in 400mm/min to get beautiful forming and no welding defect joints. Microstructure results: the microstructure of 14MnNbq is ferrite and pearlite. The microstructure of weld is coarse columnar crystal. Through heat treatment again, the grain of interlayer tissue was refined. The grain of submerged arc welding is coarser than CO2 gas shielded welding. The mechanical properties indicated: the average hardness of parent metal 14MnNbq welding joints is about 220HV.The hardness of 14MnNbq is lower, but HAZ is relatively higher. In welded joints, the first welding generally use small heat input, so the hardness value is relatively low. With the welding heat input increasing, the hardness value of following weldings are on the increase.
    Keywords  14MnNbq  Submerged arc welding   CO2 gas shielded welding  Welded joints  Microstructure  Hardness
    目 录
    1  引言(或绪论)    1
    1.1  我国桥梁钢的主要发展历程及现状    1
    1.2  本课题研究的主要内容    2
    1.3  本课题研究的意义    3
    2  雁荡山特大桥桥梁钢焊接接头组织分析    4
    2.1  雁荡山特大桥2-90米叠合拱钢梁中的主拱    4
    2.2  雁荡山特大桥2-90米叠合拱钢梁中的箱体T型角接    8
    2.3  雁荡山特大桥2-90米叠合拱钢梁中的底板对接    11
    2.4  雁荡山特大桥桥梁钢中的钢板对接部件1    13
    2.5  雁荡山特大桥桥梁钢中的钢板对接部件2    15
    3  雁荡山特大桥2-90米叠合拱钢梁底板对接部件力学性能分析    19
    3.1  实验设备及实验方法    19
    3.2  实验结果及其分析    19
    4  分析讨论    21
    4.1  焊接方法对焊接接头组织的影响    21
    4.2焊接热输入对焊接接头组织的影响    21
    结论    23
    致谢    24
    参考文献    25
    1  引言(或绪论)
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