    摘要多晶体金属是材料科学的主要研究对象之一,其晶界结构与性质强烈地影响着晶界迁动、溶质原子在晶界的偏聚现象及材料的物理和力学性能等。针对奥氏体不锈钠在低周疲劳循环过程中出现的一些问题, 从晶界控制这一方面研究了304奥氏体不锈钢的低周疲劳行为。通过合理的形变热处理工艺来改变304不锈钢组织结构和晶界特征分布,初步探求了晶界工程在增强材料疲劳性能方面的可行性。得到以下主要结论:7247
    关键字:晶界   多晶体金属  奥氏体不锈钢  低周疲劳  晶界控制与设计
    Title  The effect of grain boundary in the characters of   low-cycle fatigue in Austenitic  Stainless  Stell                     
    Polycrystalline metal material is one of the main research objects in the material science. And the grain boundary and the character of the polycrystalline metal material strongly influence grain boundary migration, the cluster phenomenon of the solute atom in grain boundary and the materials mechanical and physical properties etc. According to some problems appearing in the cycle process when the Austenitic Stainless Steel is in the low-cycle fatigue, this article study the 304Austenitic stainless steel’s low cycle fatigue behavior from the grain boundary control. Through the reasonable heat treatment process to change the304 stainless steel microstructure and grain boundary distribution, investigates grain boundary engineering in reinforcing material fatigue properties in terms of feasibility,The main results are as follows:
    (1)    Deformation heat treatment process make the material’s  Σ3n boundaries content increased from 47% to84%, while the Σ3n boundaries can effectively interrupt the general large angle grain boundary connectivity;
    (2)    The optimization of Grain boundary character does not change the circulation of 304 austenitic stainless steel and chemical characteristics. Although the initial cyclic stress don’t match  previous material, but in the cycle of certain cycles until after the destruction of the grain boundary, optimized sample cycle has higher strength;
    (3)    Due to increase of the low energy special number of grain boundaries, the grain boundary character optimization of fatigue after transition life is increased by about 14 times, the fatigue life is improved by 1 times, greatly improved the fatigue life of stainless steel in low cycle fatigue.
    Key word:Grain boundary   Polycrystalline metal   Austenitic Stainless Steel   Low-cycle fatigue   Grain boundary controlling and design.
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  晶界工程简介    1
    1.2  晶界结构    2
    1.3  实现晶界工程的途径    4
    1.4   材料的低周疲劳    5
    1.4.1  材料疲劳概述    5
    1.4.2  材料的低周疲劳    5
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