    关键词 硅酸盐混凝土 钢纤文 力学性能 蒸压养护 影响因素Title Title Title Title Preparation of Ultra-high strength of steel fiber silicate material and
    Study of Dynamic Mechanical Properties
    Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
    Ultra-high strength of steel fiber silicate concrete, often referred to as the steel fiber
    reinforced concrete is reinforced composite materials which is evenly mixed cement
    concrete with the appropriate amount of , and chaos to the distribution of short steel
    fiber . Steel fiber reinforced concrete is not only to maintain the advantages of the concrete
    itself and , more importantly , due to the incorporation of steel fibers , it overcomes some
    shortcomings, such as the lowed tensile strength of concrete , the lowed limit extension ,
    brittleness and so on, it also optimize the concrete matrix, like enhance the intensity,
    increase in toughness, impede crack and so on. Steel fiber reinforced concrete is widely
    used in construction , road and bridge and hydraulic engineerin g. Concrete researchers at
    home and abroad have done a lot of research on the mechanism of steel fiber, are generally
    believed that, the short steel fiber's main role is to hinder the expansion of micro-cracks
    and to block the occurrence and development of macro-cracks inside the concrete, thereby
    increasing the matrix cracking strength and impact resistance, and proving the toughness of
    concrete and the ductility of the concrete structures.Therefor, the steel fiber reinforced
    concrete is more excellent than ordinary concrete, with a superior physical and mechanical
    properties. Then, the aspect ratio, volume ratio, and geometry of steel fiber are important
    parameters to determine the performance of steel fiber reinforced concrete.
    We use XRD, SEM and other modern physical and chemical analysis to study the
    hydrothermal synthesis process, the type of hydration product as well as the morphology
    and structural characteristics, and analysis of the relationship between microstructure and
    macroscopic mechanical properties.
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