

    毕业论文关键词   中碳调质钢  超声A扫描  超声C扫描  人工缺陷  



    Title  The defect of medium carbon quenched and tempered steel's axle forming and welding parts ultrasonic C scanning NDT test research Abstract

         The carbon of quality score in medium carbon quenched and tempered steel is 0.25%-0.5% , the shaft is easy to produce the defects such as slag inclusion, porosity in the forging process.In the topic, We analyzed the situation on the development of ultrasonic nondestructive testing,and Compared of the different types of ultrasonic C scanning. Use manual ultrasonic a-scan preliminary determine the workpiece defect,the location and nature generally,and test the artificial defect to draw equivalent diagram . Under this premise,  using water immersion ultrasonic C scan to get more accurate analysis. Through the reasonable choice of probe and adjust test parameters to Optimize C scan results. According to the C scan results, analysis of workpiece defects to ensure the quality of workpiece.

    Keywords  medium carbon quenched and tempered steel   ultrasonic A scan ultrasonic C scan   artificial defect


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 中碳调质钢的特性及应用 1

    1.2超声无损检测的发展状况 2

    1.3 超声C扫描分类及对比 3

    1.4 课题研究目的及内容 4

    2  中碳调质钢圆棒手动超声A扫描试验 4

    2.1 试验材料、设备与方案 5

    2.2 探头的选择和性能分析 6

    2.3 人工试样缺陷的制备 7

    2.4 缺陷波形的采集 8

    2.5 试验数据整理及结果分析 9

    2.6 本章小结 ..10 

    3  中碳调质钢圆棒水浸式超声C扫描试验 11

    3.1 试验材料、设备与方案 11

    3.2 探头和水距的选择 14

        3.3 检测参数的设定… 16

    3.3 试验结果分析 17

    3.4 本章小结 18

    结论 19

    致 谢 20

    参考文献 21

    1 绪论


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