    摘要: 本论文采用红外光谱仪、核磁共振仪、色谱-质谱仪对铝合金钎焊用NHM-X100-20UB热分解性树脂,稀释剂进行了分析,同时进行不同的配比、通过蔡恩杯测定其粘度以及在不同温度、不同时间下测定钎剂挥发的重量,以探究热分解树脂的挥发性。仪器分析结果表明:热分解树脂的主要成分为 :十八烯酰胺,十四烷酰胺,3 - 庚醇,丙烯酸类树脂。
    Research on bonding agent for aluminum brazing materials
    Abstract:This infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, chromatography - mass spectrometry have been used to analyze composition of NHM-X100-20UB heat decomposable resin, diluent for aluminum alloy brazing. With a different ratio of all kinds of agent, the viscosity  have been measured by Zahn cup and at different temperatures at different times of volatile flux measured weight in order to explore the thermal decomposition of volatile resin. The results of instrumental analysis showed that: the main component of the thermal decomposition of the resin: eighteen amide, myristic acid amide 3 - heptanol, an acrylic resin.The main components of the diluent: 1-methoxy-3 - methyl, malonic ,dimethoxy-butane. The experimental results showed that: the higher the ratio of the diluent, the viscosity with increase of the amount of diluent decreases, the hardness is low after coating, when the amount of diluent added was 41.2%, the brazing flux for the most good ratio. In the test the volatile, the same temperature, when the thermal decomposition of resin with the ratio constant, with the higher the ratio of diluent, the greater the evaporation rate.
    Key words:Thermal decomposition of resin; viscosity; volatility; Coating strength
    1 前言    1
    1.1 铝合金钎焊    1
    1.1.1 铝合金钎焊概述    2
    1.1.2铝合金钎焊的工艺方法    2
    1.1.3铝合金钎焊的优缺点    3
       1.2 铝合金用钎料的分类及特点    4
    1.3 铝合金用钎剂    4
    1.3.1 铝合金用钎剂的分类    5
    1.3.2 铝合金用钎剂的组成及作用    5
    1.3.3 铝合金用钎剂的研究方向    6
    1.4 铝合金用钎剂中粘结剂    7
    1.4.1 粘结材料的选择原则    7
    1.4.2粘结材料的应用方法    8
    1.4.3 粘结材料含量对工艺性能的影响    8
    1.5 选题的目的和意义    9
    1.6 研究内容和目标    10
    1.6.1 研究内容    10
    1.6.2 研究目标    10
    2 实验    11
    2.1实验原材料    11
    2.1.1 NHM-X100-20UB热分解性树脂    11
    2.1.2 稀释剂M    11
    2.1.3 苏威NOCOLOK FLUX助焊剂    11
    2.1.4 WS-1架桥材    11
    2.2实验设备    11
    2.2.2蔡恩杯    12
    2.2.3 JB50-D型增力电动搅拌机    12
    2.2.3 高温加热炉    12
    2.3 实验方案    12
    2.3.1产品剖析    12
    2.3.2钎剂配比对其粘度的影响    13
    2.3.3钎剂配比对涂布量的影响    11
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