    摘要:眼多孔陶瓷具有气孔率高、热稳定性好等优良性能,被广泛用作金属溶液过滤器、高温气体和离子交换过滤器、催化剂载体等。将具有三文网状结构和连通孔道的高弹性聚氨酯海绵作为先驱体,采用有机泡沫浸渍法制备网眼多孔陶瓷。研究了聚氨酯海绵的差热-热重曲线及表面处理对网眼多孔陶瓷挂浆性能的影响。结果表明:聚氨酯海绵在700℃左右完全氧化分解。经过酒精处理、酸碱处理,再用羧甲基纤文素溶液、无机硅溶胶溶液进行表面改性后,聚氨酯海绵的孔筋表面粗糙度增大,同时改善了它与浆料的润湿性能,使浆料在聚氨酯海绵上的挂浆量增加。随着浆料在聚氨酯海绵上挂浆量的增加,网眼多孔陶瓷的体密度增大,制得的网眼多孔陶瓷的抗压强度增加。  7837
    The research of polyurethane impregnated SiC slurry
    Abstract: reticulated porous ceramics possess a set of attractive properties such as high volume
    fraction of porosity,high temperature stability,  et  al.therefore they have been widely used as
    filter of molten metal,hot gas and ion-exchange,catalyst carriers and  so on. Precursor with
    highly elastic polyurethane sponge  and  three-dimensional netted texture  was chosen  and
    reticulated porous ceramics (RPC) were prepared by the impregnating method of polyurethane
    sponge with aqueous ceramic slurry.  Thermo-  gravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry
    curves of the polymeric sponge and the effect of surface treatment for the polymeric sponge on
    coating properties of RPC were studied.  The results show that the polymeric sponge is
    completely decomposed at about 700℃.After being treated by acid and alkali, and modified by
    carboxymethyl—cellulose and organic sol,  the roughness of the polymeric sponge surface
    increases and the wetting ability between the polymeric sponge and the slurry  improves. Both
    the increased surface and increased wetting ability lead to an increase of the loading of the
    slurry on the polymeric sponge. With increasing loading,  the bulk density of RPC increases,
    which leads to improved compressive strength of RPC.
     Key words:polymeric sponge;reticulated porous ceramics;thermogrametric-differential scanning
    calorimetry analysis;Surface modification
    目 录
    1   绪论  .. 1
    1.1   多孔陶瓷的定义  .. 1
    1.2   多孔陶瓷的应用  .. 1
    1.2.1   催化剂载体   2
    1.2.2   过滤和分离   2
    1.2.3   吸音材料  .. 2
    1.2.4   隔热材料  .. 3
    1.2.5   生物工程材料  .. 3
    1.3   制备工艺  . 3
    1.3.1   挤压成型工艺  .. 3
    1.3.2   添加造孔剂工艺   4
    1.3.3   发泡工艺  .. 4
    1.3.4   泡沫浸渍工艺  .. 5
    1.3.5   凝胶注模工艺  .. 5
    1.3.6   离子交换法   6
    1.3.7   冷冻干燥工艺  .. 6
    1.3.8   水热一热静压工艺  .. 7
    1.4   碳化硅多孔陶瓷及其研究现状  .. 7
    1.5 研究的目的意义与研究内容   8
    2   实验  .. 9
    2.1   主要原料  . 9
    2.2   实验仪器和设备  .. 9
    2.3   实验步骤  .. 11
    2.3.1   聚氨酯泡沫的预处理  . 11
    2.3.2   多孔陶瓷的制备  . 12
    3   结果与讨论   13
    3.1   有机泡沫体的选择和预处理 . 13
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