    摘要 本课题利用镍、钴的硝酸盐为原料,以CO(NH2)2、NH4F为结构导向剂,在温和条件下用水热法合成了钴酸镍。课题对体系的结构导向剂的比例关系、水热后热处理温度对产物的影响用XRD、SEM、BET等多种测试手段对产物进行了研究,并且探讨了制备获得的NiCo2O4应用在超级电容器上的电化学性能。研究结果表明:要获得尖晶石型的钴酸镍相,水热后产物的热处理温度必须大于250°C, CO(NH2)2和NH4F的比例改变使得产物的形貌也发生变化。当CO(NH2)2和NH4F的比例控制在1:0.25时,获得的NiCo2O4产物的形貌是由纳米棒互相穿插形成编织型的纳米片型的多级结构,比表面积为207.9m2/g,该结构的钴酸镍的循环伏安曲线显示有明显的氧化还原峰,恒流充放电时在1A/g的电流密度下获得137.4F/g的比电容,在20A/g的电流密度条件下,保容量为96.1%,具有好的倍率性能。 关键词:超级电容器;复合金属氧化物;钴酸镍;水热法  7839
    NiCo2O4 was synthesized with hydrothermal method under mild conditions using nickel
    and cobalt nitrate as raw material, CO(NH2)2, NH4F as guide agent. The structure of products,
    the influence of heat treatment temperature on the products after hydrothermal were studied by
    XRD, SEM, BET , the electrochemical properties of which in super capacitor were also
    discussed. Research’s results showed that the spinel type nickel cobalt acid can be got when the
    heating temperature was above 250 ° C, and the proportion of CO(NH2)2 and NH4F have an
    important effects on morphology. When the proportion of CO(NH2)2 and NH4F is controlled at
    1:0. 25, the NiCo2O4 product’s morphology in which the nanorods interspersed with each other
    to weave nanosheets is obtained. The product’s specific surface area of 207.9 m2
     / g, The cyclic
    voltammetric of curve the nickel cobalt oxide shows that there are obvious REDOX peak,
    specific capacitances are 137.4 F/g , 137.4 F/g , corresponding to the constant current charge
    and discharge under the current density of 1 A/g ,20 A/g , the retention of specific capacitances
    is    96.1%.
    Key words: super capacitor; The composite metal oxides; Nickel cobalt acid; Hydrothermal
    method 目录
    1 绪论  .. 1
    1.1 超级电容器的概述   1
    1.2  超级电容器的工作原理  .. 2
    1.2.1 双电层电容器  .. 2
    1.2.2 电化学电容器  .. 3
    1.3 超级电容器的应用及其发展  . 3
    1.3.1 超级电容器的市场需求及发展动力  .. 3
    1.3.2 超级电容器的应用  . 3
    1.4 超级电容器用金属氧化物的电极材料  .. 4
    1.4.1 金属氧化物型电极材料   4
    1.4.2 复合型电极材料   5
    1.5 水热法  . 7
    1.5.1 水热法的定义  .. 7
    1.5.2 水热法的分类  .. 7
    1.5.3 水热法的优势  .. 7
    1.5.4 水热反应的影响因素  .. 8
    1.6 钴酸镍的制备方法   8
    1.6.1 化学共沉淀法合成NiCo2O4   8
    1.6.2 静电纺丝法制备NiCo2O4  .. 9
    1.6.3 高分子配位聚合物热解制备纳米NiCo2O4   9
    1.6.4  化学复合镀制备高活性节能NiCo2O4电极  .. 9
    1.6.5 水热法制备NiCo2O4  .. 10
    1.7  本文的选题思路  . 10
    2 实验部分   11
    2.1实验试剂与仪器  .. 11
    2.2 实验方法  . 11
    2.2.1 实验过程  .. 11
    2.2.2 实验内容  .. 12
    2.3 表征与测试方法  . 12
    2.3.1 扫描电子显微镜对形貌分析  . 12
    2.3.2 X-射线衍射对物相分析  .. 12
    2.3.3 N2吸附法测定比表面积  .. 13
    2.3.4  电化学工作站电化学性能表征  .. 13
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