    关键词  纳米多孔材料  分子动力学  导热率   毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
    Title Study of Gas Thermal Conductivity of The New Nanoporous Superinsulating Materials                                 
    Because of the special properties of the nanoporous insulating materials, it can restrict the motion of gas molecules, which result in good insulation property and are applied to various fields. According to the equilibrium molecules dynamic simulation method and the characters of configuration of nanoporous insulating materials, the model of nano-pore can be constituted. Then by using LAMMPS software to calculate the thermal conductivity of gas in the nano-pore and the thermal conductivity of gas in free space. The result show that compared with the thermal conductivity of nitrogen in the free space, the thermal conductivity of nitrogen in the nano-pore is significantly smaller. Meanwhile with the increase of the pore size and temperature, the thermal conductivity increases.
    Keywords  nanoporous materials  molecular dynamic  thermal conductivity
    1    引言    1
    1.1    纳米材料与纳米技术    1
    1.2    微尺度传热    1
    1.2.1    玻尔兹曼(Boltzman)方程方法    2
    1.2.2    分子模拟方法    2
    1.3    分子动力学(MD)模拟的研究    3
    1.4    本文的研究    5
    2    分子动力学(MD)基础与模拟的方法    6
    2.1    分子动力学基本原理    7
    2.2    势函数    7
    2.2.1    对势    7
    2.2.2    多体势    8
    2.3    数值解    9
    2.3.1    Verlet算法    9
    2.3.2    蛙跳(Leap-frog)算法    9
    2.3.3    Gear预测-矫正法    10
    2.4    分子模拟的系综    11
    2.4.1    控温法    11
    2.4.2    控压方法    12
    2.5    分子动力学模拟的边界条件与初始条件    12
    2.5.1    边界条件    12
    2.5.2    初始条件    13
    2.6    无量纲化    14
    3    大空间中氮气导热率的计算    15
    3.1    物理量的提出    15
    3.2    导热系数分子动力学模拟    16
    3.2.1    平衡分子动力学方法    16
    3.2.2    非平衡分子动力学模拟(NEMD)    17
    3.3    大空间中氮气的热导率的计算    17
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