    关键词  铁酸铋  BiFeO3  Bi25FeO40  水热法 可见光催化
    Title    Synthesis and Characterization of Photocatalytic  Materials of Bi Family                    
    Bismuth ferrite is a novel visible light photocatalyst. BiFeO3 and Bi25FeO40 particles were synthesized via a facile hydrothermal process. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared samples were evaluated by the degration of MB.
    The effect was studied on the properties of BiFeO3 particles of the KOH concentration and the addition of KNO3 or PEG. The results show that single phase BiFeO3 particles were synthesized with the KOH concentration of 2M, 8M and 12M. With the increase of concentration, the morphologies of the as-prepared BiFeO3 crystals change from irregular particles towards aggregates of cubic-shaped crystals. Besides, the addition of KNO3 or PEG weakly affects the morphology and the photocatalytic activity of BiFeO3 particles.
    Comparing two hydrothermal processes under different conditions ,the results show that single phase Bi25FeO40 powder was synthesized at 160℃ for 6h using KOH of 2M, with the addition of KNO3. Well dispersed pure cubic-shaped Bi25FeO40 crystals were synthesized with the addition of KNO3 and PVA. Compared with the as-prepared BiFeO3 particles, the Bi25FeO40 particles show higher photocatalytic activity.
    Keywords  Bismuth ferrite, BiFeO3, Bi25FeO40, hydrothermal process, visible light photocatalysis
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1  可见光催化氧化技术    1
    1.2  常见光催化剂    1
    1.2.1  TiO2    1
    1.2.2  含铋复合氧化物光催化剂    2
    1.3  铁酸铋粉末的制备方法    2
    1.3.1  高温固相法    3
    1.3.2  水热法    3
    1.3.4  溶胶-凝胶法    4
    1.3.5  其他方法    4
    1.4  水热法制备铁酸铋材料的影响因素    5
    1.4.1  反应时间    5
    1.4.2  反应温度    5
    1.4.3  反应体系碱度    5
    1.4.4  矿化剂    6
    1.4.5  分散剂    7
    1.5  铁酸铋光催化性能的研究进展    7
    1.6  本课题研究内容    9
    2. BiFeO3的水热合成、表征及其光催化性能的研究    9
    2.1  实验部分    9
    2.1.1  实验原理    9
    2.1.2  实验药品与仪器    10
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