

    毕业论文关键词: 大塑性变形;轧弯组合变形;黄铜H85:显微组织

    The effect of combination of rolling and bending on H85 brass alloy on microstructure and property

    Abstract: Severe plastic deformation can refine grain to produce ultrafine grained materials and nanomaterials. The article outlines and compares the similarities and differences between several different SPD techniques and their mechanism of grain refinement. In this paper, based on the traditional theory of Sheet metal bending deformation calculation and analysis,meanwhile,according to the feather of the SPD, microstructure and property improvement of H85 brass alloy is investigated through combination of rolling and bending. The result shows that, after the bending test, microstructure shows that the outer of the material has grain refinement, while its hardness is increased. Through horizontal comparison of different longitudinal bending cycle and compares the effects of different means bending radius of curvature of the material, further research is made about the effect of rolling bending combination on grain structure.

    Keywords:  Severe plastic deformation;Rolling bending combination;H85 brass alloy;Microstructure


    1.绪论 4

    1.1 轧制原理 4

    1.2 晶粒细化的机理 4

    1.3 大塑性变形简介 5

    1.4 大塑性变形常用工艺简介 6

    1.4.1 等径角挤压(equal-channel angular pressing, ECAP) 6

    1.4.2 累积叠轧(accumulative roll bonding,ARB) 6

    1.4.3 高压扭转变形(High Pressure Torsion,HPT) 7

    1.4.4 往复挤压技术( Cyclic Extrusion Compression,CEC) 8

    1.4.5 涡流挤压( Vortex extrusion,VE) 8

    1.5常用SPD技术对比 9

    1.5.1 等径角挤压 9

    1.5.2累积叠轧 10

    1.5.3 往复挤压 11

    1.6大塑性变形的应用现状[20-23] 12

    1.6.1 在生物医疗领域的应用 12

    1.6.2 在储氢方面的应用 12

    2. 实验过程 12

    2.1 研究目标 12

    2.2 实验内容可行性 13

    2.3 实验原理 13

    2.3.1 轧制原理 13

    2.3.2 晶粒细化机理 13

    2.4 实验准备 14

    2.4.1 试样准备 14

    2.4 实验设备 14

    2.5 实验过程

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