    关键词:6061铝  45钢  真空钎焊  过渡层  Fe-Al金属间化合物
    Title  Study on Vaccum Brazing technique for Dissimilar Metal
      between Aluminum and Steel Stud based on middle layers
    In this paper, the weldability of dissimilar metal between 45 steel stud with different metal coatings and 6061 aluminum alloy was studied by using Vaccum Brazing Welding.Content of this paper was to conduct kinds of welding process tests in the vaccum conditions, observe brazed joints' microstructure characteristics and analysis mechanical properties.The issue's point was to discover the combination principle of the 45 steel,coating, Al-Si brazing filler metal and the effect of the weld parameter and different middle layers.
    The graduate project results were showed as follows.
    In the high frequency induction brazing test process, Ag coating did best to dissimilar metal joint's mechanical properties as the  intermetallic hardness was highly decrease.
    In the vaccum brazing test, brazing temperature and thermal insulation time were the key factor influencing the test quality.
    Research on middle layer.The middle layer consisted of Fe-Al, Fe-Ag-Al intermetallic compounds, Al-Si eutectic microstructure like needle, Fe-Si compounds and α-Al solid solution, etc. Fe-Ag-Al intermetallic compounds was able to neutralize the high brittleness of Fe-Al compounds.
    Keywords: 6061Al  45#Fe  coatings  vaccum brazing  
              Fe-Al intermetallic compounds
    1 绪论    1
    1.1选题的背景及意义    1
    1.2国内外螺柱焊接技术的发展现状    2
    1.3异种金属界面复合理论    4
    1.4铝钢异种金属焊接难点    5
    1.5本课题研究的主要内容    7
    2 试验材料与设备    8
    2.1试验材料    8
    2.2试样加工    8
    2.3试样表面处理    9
    2.4试验设备和研究器材    9
    3 试验工艺方案设计    13
    3.1镀层的选择    13
    3.2钎料与母材的相互作用    13
    3.3铝-钢高频感应钎焊工艺设计    15
    3.4铝-钢SOYER螺柱焊    18
    3.5铝-钢TIG焊+钎焊    19
    4 铝-钢真空钎焊    21
    4.1真空钎焊的优势    21
    4.2试验方案设计    21
    4.3真空加热操作过程    23
    4.4真空钎焊试验力学性能测试    24
    4.5接头宏观形貌特点分析    25
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