
    4 roller in operation, start-up valve handle to pull the start-up position ( or press the start-up switch ) , vibration wheel will vibrate. Some vibratory rollers traveling at a certain speed with automatic start-up or stop vibration function , it is more convenient to use and safe .
    5 . Before reversing roller needs to be replaced after the time when driving , you should stop vibration.
    6 when the roller compacted loose materials should be used to preload a static roller to pass , then vibratory compaction . Vibratory compaction passes and the pressure conditions and materials related to ply thickness should make decisions based on operating conditions . For AM FM rollers, low frequency and large amplitude suitable for compacting embankment and thick asphalt overlay, high frequency and small amplitude suitable for compacting thin layers of asphalt surface and good adhesion material plies .
    7 In the roller driving or operating process, should always observe the meter reading and indicator light for each display . Hydraulic oil temperature must not exceed 85 ℃.
    8 when the gearbox changes gear first stop before shifting . Walking on the mechanical drive system also must depress the clutch master , but the time depress the clutch master not too long .
    9 For hydraulically driven rollers, under normal circumstances , when the speed lever is in the neutral position , hydrostatic drive roller will automatically slow down , stop ; in critical situations , step on the foot brake to be the emergency brake , but must so that only valid when the brake lever is in the neutral position.
    Five , rollers used in special areas
    1 roller for use in low temperature and cold season
    ( 1 ) insulation antifreeze
    Daily drain or add antifreeze ; install the thermostat and insulation sleeve .
    ( 2 ) seasonal lubrication system
    Cleaning lubrication system , for use in winter lubricants ; grease switch to the 2nd calcium-based grease for generators, motors and closed ball, roller bearings on the 1st of calcium -based grease ; gear oil by switching to local temperature conditions corresponding winter oil.
    ( 3 ) warm start
    Include : hot water preheat law ; steam preheat law ; simmer for diesel engine crankcase available preheated baking ( but people should not leave the machine ) .
    ( 4 ) adjustment of electrical supply lines
    Improve the relative density of the electrolyte , remained at around 1.28 ~ 1.30 ; regulator alternator regulator , the charging voltage is higher than in summer 0 .6 V; increase the concentration of the mixture .
    ( 5 ) Replace the oil
    Temperatures - below 20 ℃ uses - 35 Diesel ; temperatures - below 10 ℃ with - on the 20th of diesel ; elsewhere with - on the 10th of diesel . Gasoline using the original label requirements ; hydraulic control system with the corresponding change in the winter with a vibrating roller hydraulic oil .
    2 rollers for use in high-temperature region
    ( 1 ) strengthening the engine cooling system maintenance, the timely removal of scale, water flow , adjust the fan belt tension ;
    ( 2 ) the timely replacement of the summer with the oil, replace the high dropping point of lubricating oil, hydraulic systems with higher viscosity hydraulic oil ;
    ( 3 ) to strengthen the maintenance of the fuel system , especially in the oil ventilation should pay special attention ;
    ( 4 ) to strengthen the battery checked , timely filling of distilled water ;
    ( 5 ) Check the tire pressure regularly and keep pressure standard , pay attention to check the tire temperature .
    3 rollers used in the highlands
    ( 1 ) the installation of a supercharger , turbocharger on the engine is not installed properly to reduce the amount of oil . At an altitude of 3 500m above areas should be increased engine ignition ( injection ) advance angle ;
    ( 2 ) properly dilute the mixture to reduce fuel consumption ;
    ( 3 ) strengthen the cooling water seal, to improve the boiling point of water , reduce water consumption, shorten the cooling system cleaning cycle ;
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