
    An outgrowth of power steering is speed adjustable steering, where the steering is heavily assisted at low speed and lightly assisted at high speed. The auto makers perceive that motorists might need to make large steering inputs while manoeuvering for parking, but not while traveling at high speed. The first vehicle with this feature was the Citroën SM with its Diravi layout, although rather than altering the amount of assistance as in modern power steering systems, it altered the pressure on a centring cam which made the steering wheel try to "spring" back to the straight-ahead position. Modern speed-adjustable power steering systems reduce the pressure fed to the ram as the speed increases, giving a more direct feel. This feature is gradually becoming commonplace across all new vehicles.
    Four-wheel steering (or all wheel steering) is a system employed by some vehicles to increase vehicle stability while maneuvering at high speed, or to decrease turning radius at low speed.
    In most four-wheel steering systems, the rear wheels are steered by a computer and actuators. The rear wheels generally cannot turn as far as the Alternatively, several systems, including Delphi's Quadrasteer and the system in Honda's Prelude line, allow for the rear wheels to be steered in the opposite direction as the front wheels during low speeds. This allows the vehicle to turn in a significantly smaller radius — sometimes critical for large trucks or vehicles with trailers.
    译文 随着汽车电子技术的迅猛发展,人们对汽车转向操纵性能的要求也日益提高。汽车转向系统已从传统机械转向、液压助力转向(Hydraulic Power Steering ,简称HPS) 、电控液压助力转向( Elect ric Hydraulic PowerSteering , 简称EHPS) , 发展到电动助力转向系统(Elect ric Power Steering ,简称EPS) ,最终还将过渡到线控转向系统(Steer By Wire ,简称SBW)。论文网
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