
    have used 3-D finite element models to simulate roller
    expansion of tube–tubesheet joints (Williams 1997;Metzger
    et al. 1995). These models which are more realistic provide
    more in-depth information about the displacement and stress
    distributions in all directions Williams however, concluded
    that the 3-D model did not bring any additional information
    when compared to axisymmetric model (Williams 1997).
    To the authors’ knowledge the effect of tube–tubesheet
    initial clearance on the strength of tube/tubesheet joint has
    not been addressed by 3-D FE analysis of roller expansion.
    Existing work has relied mainly on axisymmetric models
    with hydraulic expansion (Allam et al. 1998) or with roller
    expansion (Al-Aboodi et al. 2008, 2009; Cizelj and Mavko
    1995; Williams 1996).
    In this paper, a 3-D FE model has been utilized in a
    major commercial finite element analysis code (ANSYS
    2004) to simulate the roller expansion and study residual
    deformation and stress distributions to show the effect of
    initial clearance and tube material on the residual contact
    pressure between the tube and tubesheet. Initial clearances
    within and beyond the prescribed TEMA range (Standard
    of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer Association
    ‘TEMA’ 1988) have been considered. Low-to-high tube
    and tubesheet material strain hardening properties have
    also been included in the study and their effects discussed
    herein. The 3-D model results pertaining to the effect of
    clearance on interfacial pressure are compared with those
    obtained from the axisymmetric simulation of the same
    effects and validated using experimental results developed
    earlier by Shuaib et al. (2003).
    Geometry and 3-D FE Model
    The equivalent sleeve diameter determined earlier by
    Shuaib et al. (2003) for the stabilizer feed/bottom
    exchanger was implemented in the 3-D model. Figure 1a
    illustrates the geometry and dimensions of the model of
    tube–tubesheet joint under study. Figure 1b shows the full
    3-D model mesh and Fig. 1c a 2-D view of the model with
    boundary conditions on the primary side.Meshing of tube and tubesheet is performed using 3-D
    structural solid element ANSYS-SOLID 186 which has a
    quadratic displacement behavior and is well suited for
    modeling irregular meshes. The element is defined by 20
    nodes having three degrees of freedom each: translations in
    the nodal x, y, and z directions. The element is chosen here
    because it supports plasticity, hyperelasticity, and large
    deflections. The model of Fig. 1b has 8,000 elements and
    9,920 nodes. The level of refining was tested to establish
    effective meshed models. It was found that refining the
    mesh beyond 8,000 elements did not add any significant
    precision to the solution.
    The contact element CONTA174 is used to represent
    contact and sliding between 3-D ‘‘target’’ surfaces
    (TARGE170) and a deformable surface, defined by this
    element. The element is applicable to 3-D structural and
    coupled field contact analyses. This element is located onthe surfaces of 3-D solid elements with mid-side nodes. It
    has the same geometric characteristics as the solid element
    face with which it is connected. Contact occurs when the
    element surface penetrates one of the target segment ele-
    ments (TARGE170) on a specified target surface. A sen-
    sitivity analysis was performed in order to select the real
    constants values such as those defining tolerance and offset
    between the contact and target elements (Al-Zayer 2001;
    Al-Aboodi 2006).
    Joint materials
    The elastic–plastic behavior of tube and tubesheet material
    is represented by bilinear curves. In the experimental work
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