
    strained from rotation. The local tangential strain was
    found to be insignificant compared to the global radial
    strain (Al-Aboodi 2006). This is due to the fact that the
    roller is sliding inside the tube as in Williams (1997) and
    Metzger et al. (1995). This reduces the amount of friction
    and tangential strain.
    Similar to the work of Williams (1997) four rolling
    revolutions and two smoothing revolutions were used. No radial displacement is assigned during the smoothing pro-
    cess. To take into account the non-linear response of tube
    material in the elastic–plastic transition region and in the
    plastic zone the step size is determined using a non linear
    equation. The proposed relation yields a large step size in
    the elastic region and smaller and smaller sizes in the
    plastic region. The mathematical representation of such
    trend can be expressed in logarithmic profile as:
    where us is the step radial displacement, n is the step
    number, and N is the total number of steps.
    Results and discussions
    This section discusses the results on the deformation and
    stress distributions along the roller expanded length and
    transition zone in tube–tubesheet joint as well as the
    effect of large clearance values on the interfacial stresses.
    Figure 4 shows the tube inner and outer surface radial
    deformations along the tubesheet width at the end of the
    loading and unloading events. The radial displacement of
    the inner tube surface is indicated by uri and that of the
    outer surface by uro. Similar to what was reported in earlier work using 2-D axisymmetric model (Merah et al. 2010)
    inner and outer radial displacements for 5% wall reduction
    and an initial clearance of 0.127 mm remain constant in
    most of the 47.25 mm expanded length. A disturbance in
    the uri distribution happens in the transition zone (i.e. zone
    between the expanded and unexpanded areas of the tube).
    As will be explained later, this disturbance will have an
    effect on the stress distributions. Releasing the load caused
    the inner tube surface to spring back from a maximum of
    0.232 to 0.188 mm resulting in radial strain of about 0.45%
    and that of the outer surface from 0.190 to 0.151 mm.
    To experimentally validate these results tube diame-
    ters were measured before and after rolling. Several measurements were made for tube material having similar
    value of tangent modulus, Ett, joint geometry and config-
    uration, tube–tubesheet clearance, and loading condition
    (i.e. Ett = 0.74 GPa, WR = 5% and c = 0.12 mm). A
    micrometer was used to measure inner diameters of a
    number of tubes before and after expansion to determine
    the average value of the inner surface radial deformation.
    The thick dashed line in Fig. 4 shows the average value of
    the measured tube inner surface radial deformation
    (0.185 mm). It is clear that the present 3-D FE model
    yields an excellent representation of the deformed inner
    Figure 5 illustrates the distributions of stress components
    on the tube’s inner and outer surfaces along the axial
    direction after the retraction of the rollers for the condition
    of 5% WR and 0.127 mm radial clearance. The stresses
    include rr, rh, ry, reqv, rcont which are the radial, tangential,
    axial, equivalent and contact stresses, respectively. The
    stresses corresponding to the tube’s outer surface display a
    behavior similar to that of the radial displacement shown in
    Fig. 4. These stresses remain uniform along most of the
    expanded length and redistribute in the transition zone
    between the fully expanded and the unexpanded tube. At the
    end of the rolled tube length, the radial, axial and tangential
    stress components (rr, rz, rh) exhibit two inflection points
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