
    bars and temperatures up to 175 C for varying super-
    ficial gas velocities and different N2/liquid systems. Only
    one parameter was varied at a time. Measurements were
    performed in the homogeneous regime, granting con-
    stant flow conditions. In order to ensure well defined
    sparging, most experiments were performed with a
    special capillary sparger, which consists of 19 capillaries
    of 25 mm in length with an inner diameter of 0.15 mm,
    granting well defined pressure drop for each sparging
    orifice. Thus gas could be sparged uniformly into the
    liquid phase generating narrow primary bubble size
    distributions. Fig. 1 shows the experimental set-up.
    In order to determine the bubble size distribution at
    a specific column level, images of the bubbly flow were
    taken by a CCD-camera. For getting a sufficiently rep-
    resentative bubble size distribution usually sizes of at
    least 1000 bubbles were determined. Good image quality
    was obtained when illuminating the bubbles with diffuse
    back light (Fig. 2). Bubbles then appear dark on white
    background with a bright spot in the middle (Fig. 2).
    This spot was used in the image processing step to eliminate overlapping bubbles in order to avoid their
    interpretation as one big bubble. Otherwise the method
    of image processing corresponds to the approach de-
    veloped by Borchers and Eigenberger [1]. For the esti-
    mation of bubble sizes the cross-sectional area Ac
    all selected non-overlapping bubbles is determined. The
    diameters of corresponding spherical bubbles di ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
    p are calculated from the cross-sectional area.
    Under the conditions discussed in the present work,
    bubble sizes were usually less than 3.5 mm in spheric
    diameter. Bubble size measurements can be reproduced
    within 0.05 mm (Fig. 13).
    A certain inaccuracy has to be attributed to the fact
    that bubbles are not spherical but deformed, especially
    for larger bubble sizes. Bubbles flatten due to the drag
    forces and can be approximated by a disk like rotational
    symmetric ellipsoid [5]. For a horizontal disk, the cal-
    culation of the corresponding spheric diameter from the
    projection area leads to an underestimation of the
    bubble size. Usually disk shaped bubbles are inclined
    with an average inclination angle of 25 [15], which
    renders the projection area larger when inclined towards
    the camera, compensating part of the underprediction.
    If the larger elliptic axis is twice as long as the smaller
    elliptic axis, the relative error lies in between 1% and
    11% depending on the perspective [2], and leads to
    an average underprediction of the size of disk shaped
    bubbles by about 6%. Smaller bubbles are less flattened,
    hence the deviation is reduced.
    For mass-transfer calculations the interfacial area is
    an important factor. For approximate calculations the
    Sauter diameter dS ¼ PN can be used. In
    order to study the development of the bubble size dis-
    tributions with increasing distance from the sparger, the
    Sauter diameter has been determined for different levels
    of the bubble column. At sufficient height the Sauter
    diameter should approach the stable bubble diame-
    ter d1 S , which results from the equilibrium of bubble
    breakage and coalescence.
    3. Results and discussion
    3.1. Stable bubble diameter
    Influences of physical properties on stable bubble si-
    zes were determined by comparing bubble sizes of sim- ilar gas liquid systems, which differ in one physical
    3.1.1. Influence of physical properties on bubble size
    distribution Influence of gas density. The influence of gas
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