
    density and operating pressure on stable bubble sizes is
    closely connected, since pressure mainly affects gas
    density. Idogawa et al. and Wilkinson [6,22] investigated
    gas/water systems for different gases and variable pres-
    sure and found decreased bubble sizes for increasing gas
    density. Wilkinson explained this behavior with in-
    creased bubble breakage. Other investigators found the
    same, but at increased pressure this effect was found to
    be less pronounced [4]. Coalescence investigations of
    Sagert and Quinn [19,20] confirmed this trend. For in-
    creased pressure they observed increased coalescence
    times for CO2,H2S, N2O and alkane bubble pairs in
    water, hence coalescence is declined.
    To study the influence of pressure on bubble size
    distributions, several experiments with nitrogen bubbles
    in water were performed.
    • In a stagnant coalescence experiment two nitrogen
    bubbles emerging slowly from two opposing nozzles
    were brought into contact at 1 and 45 bar. The co-
    alescence time increased only slightly with pressure.
    • In a dynamic coalescence experiment a rising bubble
    could collide with a second one, attached to a nozzle.
    In this experiment the coalescence probability de-
    creased significantly with increasing pressure.
    • A sequence of single bubbles was detached from a
    single nozzle and its subsequent breakage was re-
    corded (Fig. 3). This experiment showed an increase
    of breakage probability with increasing pressure.
    • Bubble swarms were generated using different spar-
    gers and the development of the mean Sauter diame-
    ter was recorded with increasing distance from the
    sparger (Fig. 4). These experiments showed an in-
    crease of the Sauter diameter towards a stable bubble
    diameter which is decreased with increasing pressure.
    This leads to the following interpretation: Pressure
    increase leads to an increase in bubble breakage due to
    the increase in gas density, caused by the larger inertia of
    the gas in the fluctuating bubble. This is clearly shown 摘要:气液过程的设计需要有对气泡尺寸分布详细的知识,因为它决定着传质。在本文中,讨论了操作条件与气体及液相的物理性质对在最初和在最后(“稳定的”)气泡大小的影响。测量在一个实验室规模的用来对不同液体对氮气喷射的鼓泡塔中进行,它的压力高达50bars而温度高达175摄氏度。气泡尺寸分布取决于图像处理。
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