
    11%, provides a reduction in the total annual cost of 22%. It is
    important to notice that the film heat transfer coefficients for
    Design A are closer to each other than the ones obtained by
    Mizutani et al. [9], thus providing a more efficient design. Large
    differences in film coefficients are linked to an inefficient use of
    pressure drops, which raises the pumping costs needed for the
    The GAwas also used for this problemwithout the constraints in
    tube length and baffle cut imposed byMizutani et al. [9]. The results
    are reported as Design B in Table 2. One can notice a significant
    reduction in the total area required by the exchanger. This is the
    result of the number of passes being reduced to one, and of smaller
    tube diameters being selected. This arrangement produces higher
    stream velocities with better heat transfer coefficients, which
    provide a smaller area. Another issue worth of mention is that the
    relationship Ltt/Ds is higher than for the other two designs. Design B
    has a total annual cost 49.88% lower than the one obtained by
    Mizutani et al. [9], and 17.13% lower than Design A.
    Example 2. This example was previously analyzed by Serna and
    Jimenez [7]. A shell-and-tube heat exchanger must be designed
    to cool down oil using cooling water. Fig. 4 shows the design data.
    The tube wall thermal conductivity was neglected.
    The solution was obtained after 90 generations using a CPU
    time of 71 s. Table 3 shows a summary of the results obtained with
    the proposed algorithm, as well as the design reported by Serna
    and Jimenez [7]. Their design was based on gradient methods, and
    they did not optimize the geometry of the exchanger; the main
    design variables such as baffle and tube characteristics were
    specified. From Table 3 it can be seen that the design obtained
    using the algorithm proposed in this work meets all the geometric
    and operational constraints. On the other hand, the design by Serna
    and Jimenez [7] shows a shell-side stream velocity 65% higher than
    the maximum recommended value, which can lead to erosion in
    the baffles and tube vibrations.
    The new design provides the geometric configuration (tubes,
    baffles, shell) needed as part of the optimal solution. A proper use
    of the pressure drops for each side of the exchanger provides a high
    heat transfer coefficient, thus optimizing the area and the cost of
    the exchanger. The design obtained using GA has total pumping
    costs 10.7% lower than the one reported by Serna and Jimenez [7],
    along with reductions in the exchanger area of 10% and in total
    annual cost of 6.1%.
    Example 3. In this example, the data from Example 2 were taken,
    but three major aspects were changed. First, only standard sizes for
    the tube length and the shell diameter were considered. Second, a
    different economic environment was assumed, in which higher
    capital investment is required for heat exchangers. And third, the
    economic model involved a more detailed description for the cost
    of the exchanger.
    The exchanger cost was calculated from the cost of component
    parts plus manufacturing costs. The following relations, proposed
    by Purohit [11], were used for Eq. (16)
    Cts ¼ pqmatC1ðDs þ 2tsÞ
    Csh ¼ pqmatC2DsLtots
    b ¼ pqmatC1D2
    Ctd ¼ C4Ntt ð23Þ
    Ctb ¼ C3A ð24Þ
    Cba ¼ C5 ð25Þ
    The constants for the cost equations were taken from Purohit [11]:
    C1 = 0.5 $/lb, C2 = 1.0 $/lb, C3 =75 (A)
    , C4 = 2.0 $/tube,
    C5 = $30,000. For the exchanger, qmat = 486.954 lb/ft
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