    Since reform and opening up, China's paper industry generally experienced about 20 years of strategic adjustment period from the end of the last century to order people into the optimization of the industrial structure and the period of rapid growth: in the raw materials, technology, enterprise scale industrial area in tremendous changes , and set up my paper from "small, soil, dirty," "distorted the state to a modern-Paper path of development changes. to 1998 of the new statistical standards, is in the 1998 to 2004 period, paper and cardboard yield an average annual rate of 15.15%, and 20 of its previous growth rate of about 10 per cent in 2004, before 10 papermaking enterprises on production and sales to the degree of concentration of people were 18.38% and 21.85%, and in 1998 this two indicators are below 8%; At present, there are a number of the world's advanced technology and equipment standards of corporate and industry technical update rate is accelerating the trend in the national policy support, integration and sustainable development of forestry and paper industry will become China Paper the mainstream of development. our paper and paperboard production, consumption, both Paper has become the world's second largest country, is beginning to embark on a rapid and sustainable path of development and modernization.47339
    The paper industry is an integral part of the national economy, but also on a number of upstream and downstream industries as well as financial incentives for the local economy. The paper industry is the wide range of industrial supply chain, core, has a profound effect on forestry, agriculture, environmental protection, printing and publishing, chemicals, machinery manufacturing, industrial automation and transportation and other related industries.
    Modern pulp and paper manufacturing equipment belonging to the technology-intensive than large equipment manufacturing industry, China's paper industry is to provide technology and equipment industries. And the relative phase of the development of China's paper industry should also generally experienced about 20 strategic adjustment period: led by the Government, along the "technology, digestion and absorption, and domestic production," in order to catch up with the main line, in spite of the many achievements , but technology and products with the world's advanced level there has been no narrowing of the gap between the number. Reflected in the imported equipment more dominant product is only sold to small and medium-sized pulp and paper mills. But in the meantime, the industry is brewing in the tremendous potential of the market, institutional change is driving the acceleration of technological progress.
    Paper and board a paper consumption growth a year to 3.1 %, especially in Asia and South America, growing more rapidly pulp demand is sluggish and the other hand, the recycled paper in the world wide was on. From a variety of paper, printing and packaging with paper and board in such consumption of paper in the proportion of the higher.
    From the paper and board, the output of over one million tons of Shandong province, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan and Hebei province, Hujian, Hunan and Szechwan nine provinces , paper, and the total output has reached 3402million tons of the paper and board the total of 83 %.
    In2003, the eastern district in12provinces and paper and paperboard of the nation's material production scale72.5 % year, up0.5%, midland nine provinces as 21.8% lower than0.2%,the western region nine provinces the proportion of 5.7%, reduce0.3%, from the country in every paper and paperboard and production of complete change in the paper, the concentration of production has been increasing.
    So far from the end of the last century, the industrial structure of China's Paper period of rapid growth and huge market demand for pulp and paper manufacturing equipment to the high growth rate and with the technological advances by leaps and bounds. From 1998 to 2004, will continue the industry's national statistics: the total industrial output value (same price) average annual growth rate of 15.1%, an average annual growth rate of export delivery value of 39.2%, an average annual increase of the total profits of 28.6%, an average annual GDP labor productivity up 15.7 percent. The technological level of some products being near the international advanced level, and its ratio of performance to price advantages for some large-scale enterprises to use APP, beginning to show its international competitiveness. Why have such a big change? We believe that the following points should be deep thought, or even the whole of China's equipment manufacturing industry and draw some inspiration.
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