
    Plant fiber and plastic in different proportions, can be made into different types of wood. If you use more fiber less plastic can be made of lighter varieties, but also larger flexibility, affordability is even larger than some wood 50-90%, longer service life, and not because UV radiation and deterioration; To create a strong waterproof timber or outdoor use, will have to spend more plastics use less fiber.
    B) Nano-structured surface of paper
    Institute of Nano Science and Technology Central China Normal University (Wuhan) to develop a new super-hydrophobic, self-cleaning nano-structured surface of paper, the use of nano-dispersion of organic liquor is separated into micron-scale "islands", inorganic nanoparticles dispersed in the "small Island ", the formation of a superhydrophobic lotus leaf structure of the class. According to relevant sub-introduced, this nano-paper is prepared in plain paper and a layer of nano-structured surface of the film, in addition to the functions of ordinary paper, but also superhydrophobic, self-clean, moisture-proof, anti-aging, fiber soft, absorbent low, low expansion rate, high surface strength, excellent performance, and the process is simple, low cost, easy-to-industry. The product is a national initiative, and the increase in the cost of plain paper only about 10% of the cost, therefore, has broad market prospects.
    C) Paper cans (bottles) for the packaging industry energize
           1. Paper tank
    Developed by Toppan Printing have developed a high degree of sealing and sterilization to maintain the new type of paper cans, the food storage capacity of not less than metal cans. Practice has proved that, at room temperature, cans of food at least a year will not spoil.
    The main features of this paper can be: more than cans, glass light; capable of filling high temperatures, the use of aluminum foil edge protection, reducing the oxygen penetration, which flow at room temperature shelf life of up to one year above; can body materials from paper, aluminum, polyethylene, polyester (PET) and other composite made to ensure that the tank body strength and can flow directly to a tank prototype, so as with the traditional round cans, vending machines are available use, recycling easy to be burned, pollution-free. This wrapper can now be used for beer, juice and other beverages, and well received. The paper can be designed in the tank side of the concave shape, can increase the intensity of the phenomenon does not produce flat cans.
    China's annual consumption of aluminum cans 60 to 70 million, needs to import large quantities of raw materials, and expensive, plus factors such as pollution of the environment, the state has not approved the new production line of aluminum cans. Aluminum cans can find a new place of containers into the industry has been concerned about. The birth of paper cans, aluminum cans to overcome the drawbacks, there are broad prospects for development. According to experts, build a production line of aluminum cans at least 17 million yuan, while paper production line is only 200 million cans; aluminum cans for the 20 million minimum quantities, paper cans of economic quantities of 20,000 or more.
    2. Using waste paper to paper bottles
    Japan's Kao Corp. has developed a new paper bottles, metal caps can be sealed cartons that can not be done at present. The company said the use of this new technology, it can be a variety of paper shaped bottles. This new paper, bottles by the three materials, the middle layer of the pulp, and face from the other end to the paper covers over germplasm.
    "The hardness of waste paper and plastic bottles bottle there is no difference, difference is that different materials. Paper, bottles may be completely replaced in the future of plastic bottles." Waste bottle plastic bottle no less than the cost high, but even after a bottle of waste paper time, before the formal market.
     D) Paper Steel
    Paper, steel is the latest achievements of modern technology, it is very fine wires and fibers mixed in the pulp, paper into the legal system with special materials, so called metal fiber paper. And paper-thin, but the strength of steel but with considerable. Can be made of steel sheet of paper, rolled into the groove can punch, wave, and various special-shaped materials.
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