






    The use of the Internet has increased in recent years remarkably. Companies

    employ the World Wide Web (WWW) to gather, disseminate and interchange

    information with actual and potential customers, and then Internet Technology

    seems to be served and applied as a strategic tool and affects strategies and

    practices of a firm such as Porter's competitive strategies. Many research findings

    confirm and support being of positive effects of Internet on an enterprise's

    competitive advantage. In this paper, we will illustrate that enterprises can acquire

    relational and informational competency through Internet technology, and based

    on these competencies they can succeed in competitive cyber markets. According

    to the corporate competencies in the internet market and the market situation

    (customers and competitors), Internet marketing strategies can be pided into four

    categories: Transitional, informational,, Relationship, and Knowledge strategies.

    Choosing and implementing any category of strategies depends on the degree of

    internet competencies (informational and relational) and the market situation.

    Companies must select their marketing strategies with regarding to their

    competencies and market situation. Sometimes, they fall into non-optimized

    situation and critical situation.



    Internet marketing strategies, Relational competency and Informational competency



    The internet has proved to be a tremendously powerful vehicle for marketing purposes

    and has become the front-end application of consumer intelligence gathering and

    consumer purchase facilitation [Omar, eta, 2011, 226]. The emergence of the Internet

    seems to be analogous to the advent of the printing press or the railroads, which

    changed monetary, communication and exchange platforms. Similar evolutions took

    place with the introduction of automobiles and telephones that reduced the need for

    channel immediacy. The use of Internet has become increasingly popular in recent

    years, where the cost of accessing and building on Internet and web site is relatively low

    [Ranch hod eta., 2000]. Companies employ the World Wide Web to gather and

    disseminate information to and from actual and potential customers and increasingly for

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