
       The paper is structured as follows.。 The  following  section explains  the  methodology  used  to  outline  the  status  of  mobile applications  in  an  aging  society.。  The  third  section  presents  the results.。 These  results enable us to deduce the conclusions and to define the recommendations and the trends presented in section four.。 Finally, section five presents the final conclusions.。

    2.。 Methodology 

       This  section is aimed to define the methodology of the article.。 The study of the role that mobile applications can play in an aging society  requires  the  identification  of  the  needs  and  the  require ments of this new social situation.。 The first stage of the study is to analyze the aspects with implications for the concept of “the quality of life”.。 In Section 3.。1, this concept is briefly analyzed and dissected into key components.。 

       The second stage is aimed to analyze how mobile applications can improve the quality of life of older people and to examine the acceptance of mobile phones by older people: use, needs, preferences and barriers  in relation to  mobile applications.。  Section 3.。2 deals  with  this  topic.。  Within  this  framework,  the  current  status of mobile devices and applications for older people is examined.。 Research  papers  (from  scientific  and  technical journals  and  proceedings of conferences) and Internet sources (web sites of mobile phone providers, web sites of research projects, etc.。) are the main source  of  information.。  Section 3.。3  analyzes  the  current  status  of  mobile devices and applications for older people.。 The third stage is aimed to analyze whether the current mobile applications can satisfy the requirements of older people in order to improve their quality of life or not.。 The discussion section develops this stage and also explores the future trends.。  

       The fourth stage is aimed to extract conclusions from the results.。 This  stage  study  strengths  and  areas  where  the  research  is  well developed, to discover trends and future lines of work and to identify  holes  and weaknesses  in the  current  literature.。 This  stage  is mainly developed in the discussion and conclusions sections.。 These sections  help  researchers  and  developers  to  consider  the  status and trends of mobile applications as an important tool in an aging society.。

    3.。3.。  Results

    3.。1.。  Quality of life in old age

       Quality of life research has emerged as a concept with intense scientific and political interest in the last few decades.。 According to the  historic introduction developed by Smith, early notions of quality  of  life  can  be  dated  to  Aristotle’s  (384–322  B.。C.。)  written concepts of ‘the good life’ and ‘living well’.。 However, the popularization of the term ‘quality of life’ (QoL) evolved in the second half of the twentieth century.。 Over the last fifty years, a plethora of definitions of quality of life have emerged within the health and social science disciplines.。 However, as yet, there exists no generic definition satisfying all proponents of quality of life research (Smith,2000).。 There  is  no  consensus  on  a  definition  of  quality  of  life  in older age, whether among the younger, more fit elderly population or among the frailer elderly population (Brown et al.。, 2004).。 As a consequence, there is no consensus on how to measure quality of life (Bowling and Stennen, 2010; Xavier et al.。, 2003).。 Despite this variety, Melander stresses that there is an emerging consensus that physical, mental and social aspects should be included  in  QoL,  and  there  is  now also  recognition that  spiritual aspects should be included as well (Melander, 2008).。 Brown et al.。 (2004) provide a taxonomy, overview and systematic review of the literature.。 Through  this  review,  they  determine  the  components of quality of life that older people themselves have deemed to be important and compare them with the components identified in the literature.。 The literature reveals that quality of life can theoretically encompass  a wide  ranging  array  of  domains,  including the  inpidual’s physical health and functioning, psycho-social well-being, psychological  outlook,  psychological  and  social  role  functioning, social  support  and  resources,  independence,  autonomy  and  perceived    control    over   life, material    and   financial    circumstances, community social capital and the external environment, including the political fabric of society (Brown et al.。, 2004).。Table 1 shows the components that older people have identified as being important.。 

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