
    previous land-transports, besides the irresponsibility of people who drive them without
    being able to do so, contribute to injuries, particularly in lower limbs. Finally, the third
    and today more important cause for amputations are vascular diseases, especially from
    diabetes. This last cause is the main reason for amputations in most countries
    nowadays and has been growing steadily over the last years (Limb loss in the United
    States, 2006; Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and limb loss, 2006).
    Additionally, to have a complete picture regarding the theme of lower limb
    amputees, it should be mentioned that when one refers to a lower limb amputation, it
    could be of two kinds: transtibial (below-knee or simply B/K) or transfemoral
    (above-knee or just A/K). The treatment of the first one, in order to recover a normal
    gait, is easier than with the second one. In an A/K amputation, the patient has lost the
    knee and he counts with a remaining limb join in his hip to control whichever be the
    prosthetic device that he uses to face walking again.
    A lot has been done from last century until the present, in order to develop a
    prosthetic technology that allows transfemoral patients to recover a natural gait. In
    this sense, the present work aims to show the different scientific research lines that
    have been developed during this period to solve this problem, instead of making a
    review of the different knee prostheses designed up to now, which has been done
    already (Michael, 1999; Radcliffe, 1977).
    This paper is pided in three sections: Introduction, Review, and Conclusions. In
    Introduction, the theme of the lower limb amputee disability and its growing number is
    presented. Likewise, the transtibial amputation is differentiated from the transfemoral
    amputation, and the aim of this work is presented regarding the last one. In Review, the
    different parts of a complete prosthesis for an A/K amputee are mentioned, as well as the
    relevance of the knee prosthesis upon the others. Later, this section is pided in three
    subsections: Prostheses design, Performance assessment, and Control strategies. Each
    subsection refers to a scientific research line identified by us, regarding the development of
    knee prostheses. Therefore, every subsection deals with a particular research line,
    describing its evolution through the published material found in the area. Finally, in
    Conclusions, a summary of the research lines described in the previous section is
    presented, as well as an insight intowhat advances could be expected in the development
    of prosthetic technology in the near future, based on the trends in the field today.
    The human gait is an activity that the brain controls practically unconsciously, but at
    the same time, it is a very complex activity given the biomechanics associated. These
    facts involve a tremendous complexity that explains why the challenge of prosthetictechnology remains the same, because until now, it has not been possible to replace a
    limb in human body, with an artificial device which performs the same way the
    original one would do.
    Given the complexity of the problem approached in general terms, regarding A/K
    lower limb amputations, the main concern is to develop a prosthetic technology, to give
    back to the A/K amputee the possibility of having a natural walk. But even with this
    simple purpose, the problem involves so many aspects that, in terms of scientific
    research, it is split in different lines of study. In other words, the sides of this problem
    are many, and it has been necessary the contribution from different areas of knowledge
    to approach it, even in a limited way.
    A complete prosthesis for a transfemoral amputee is composed by: a socket, a knee
    prosthesis, an ankle-foot prosthesis and a link between the laters, but the part that has
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