and part overall thickness are put under the same menu item,
namely, “Vary Thickness.” Figure 5 shows the user interface for
automatic thickness modification. Under this environment, the
system lists all component features that has a thickness attribute.
The designers may select from this list which features to modify.
If all the listed features are selected, then overall part mod-
ification will be performed, and the overall thickness will be
assigned initially with the average thickness of all listed com-
ponent features. The starting, ending, and step values associated
with the corresponding thickness variable can then be specified.
An alternative is to specify the number of modifications and step
values. The system will then use the original value as the starting
value of the thickness.
If the designers check the field “Search while analysis,” then
the system will automatically verify the result in terms of the
specified verification criteria after each thickness modification,
and terminates further thickness variation once all the verifica-
tion criteria have been satisfied.
For other sizing modification variables, as well as the posi-
tional modification variables of individual component features,
the variables modification is achieved under their respective en-
vironments. As an example, Fig. 6 shows the user interface for
automatic hole feature modification. Using this environment, the
designers can opt to modify hole location (by using the posi-
tional modification variables) or hole radius (by using the sizing
modification variable) or both. For the location modification,
the variation ranges of the corresponding positional modification
variables should be specified such that the hole may be varied
within a user-desired region. Currently, the system only supports
the rectangular region on the hole’s profile face. Hence, the po-
sitional modification variables use only 2D coordinates of the
centre of the circle on the hole’s profile face, with their ranges be-
ing specified as the starting value, ending value, and number of
After the selection of shape modification variables and the
specification of their ranges of variation, the designer should
ensure that the desired part mouldability and other quality meas-
uring criteria are also specified. Once this is done, the enhanced
CAD-CAE integration model is fully defined.
With all the information available, the system will perform
an iterative process of modifying the CAD geometry, generat-
ing CAE analysis model (mesh) and other relevant files (such
as boundary condition files and Moldflow inputs file), execut-
ing Moldflow subroutines to perform analyses, and so on. All
these operations are performed automatically. Figure 7 shows the
flowchart of this iterative process.
All the analysis results from each iteration will be put in the
same folder. The results will be processed by the system after
all iterations have been finished (unless the designers have spec-
ified to verify the results after each iteration by checking the
field “Search while analysis”). This includes extracting data from
the result files for the criteria construction variables, including
calculating standard deviation for some variables (v14–v19), cal-
culating the criteria expressions, and checking whether any of the
verification criteria is violated.
For those part shapes whose corresponding CAE analysis re-
sults satisfy all verification criteria, the values of their correspond-
ing objective function (from the evaluation criteria) will be com-
pared and the optimal one derived. The optimal shape in terms
- 上一篇:针盖的注塑模具分析英文文献和翻译
- 下一篇:加强钢筋混凝土箱梁抗扭英文文献和翻译