
    of the specified evaluation criteria is then selected and reported.
    All these tasks are performed automatically as well.And since the
    shapemodification variables are included in the enhanced integra-
    tion model, the system will be able to modify the part geometry
    automatically and in a uniformway, regardless ofwhich feature or
    features or overall part thickness are to be modified.
    5 Case study
    The first design case is a part with its initial shape shown in
    Fig. 4. The CAD model was created interactively by using the501
    modelling tools provided by Solid Edge. A circle sketch was also
    created which is used by the CAD-CAE integration model as the
    injection location. Using the tools provided by the implemented
    software prototype, the designers can then specify analysis infor-
    mation, including:
    • Part material:
    – Type: PP (Polypropylene);
    – Manufacturer: Borealis [BOREALIS];
    – Trade name: P170CC [ST111].
    • Boundary condition: the injection location is defined by the
    centre of the circle sketch shown in Fig. 4.
    • Moulding conditions:
    – Melt temperature: 250 ◦C;
    – Mould temperature: 40 ◦C;
    – Injection time: 1.8s.
    • Criteria construction variables:
    – v1 = maximum shear stress (MPa);
    – v2 = uniform end-of-fill temperature (SD).
    • Evaluation criteria:
    – v1(0.5);
    – v2(0.5).
    It is assumed that the designer wishes to modify the hole lo-
    cation on its profile face so that the two specified criteria may
    attain optimal values, or that the weighted objective function will
    be minimized. Thus, by using the user interface shown in Fig. 6,
    the attribute “shape modification variables” of the enhanced in-
    tegration model is assigned with the two positional modification
    variables of the hole feature, namely, the 2D coordinates of the
    centre of the circle on the hole’s profile face.
    In this example, the origin of the 2D coordinates is the initial
    position of the hole feature. The intended region of variation for
    the hole location is a rectangle, as is shown in Fig. 8. The hole
    feature at the four extreme corner positions of the rectangle is
    also shown.Since the part shape is symmetrical, and the injection loca-
    tion is also specified on the symmetrical plane (Fig. 6), we may
    only vary the hole location over half of this region. The values of
    the two modification variables are thus assigned as (all units are
    in millimetres):
    • X coordinate:
    – Starting: −30;
    – Ending: 30;
    – Step: 4.
    • Y coordinate:
    – Starting: −20;
    – Ending: 0;
    – Step: 4.
    There are in total 16×6 = 96 iterations. The actual time
    taken depends on how refined the mesh model is and the com-
    puter used. It can range from over one hour to several hours on
    a Pentium III PC. The values of the weighted objective function
    from the analysis results are also calculated.
    Figure 9 shows the contour chart of the weighted objective
    function values. In terms of the specified evaluation criteria, the
    low objective function values (0 – 0.2) happen at a number of
    places, which are mostly along the symmetrical line of the hole’s
    profile face, namely, when the modification variable Y coordi-
    nate = 0. The system reported that the optimal hole location is:
    • X coordinate = 2,
    • Y coordinate = 0,
    which is quite close to the original hole position.
    If the injection location was not assigned at the symmetrical
    plane of the part, then the whole region of variation should be
    used. In the following, we discuss this as another case study: the
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