
    In this context, the present work aims to present a test rig that allows to study the BDS dynamics and power loss characteristics. Furthermore, the test rig offers major advantages over the utilization of traditional engine cells. Measurements obtained in such testing environments have a high level of uncertainty due to the uncontrollable irregu- larities that characterize the phiysical phenomena occuring into the ICE. The designed test rig allows the reproduction of a realistic and controllable testing environment. The use of two electric motors for the dynamic simulation of   the


    2405-8963 © 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Peer review under responsibility of International Federation of Automatic Control.






    Table 1. Nomenclature

    AC = air conditioning

    AT = automatic tensioner

    b = belt

    bp = transition between belt and pul- ley

    BSG = belt-starter generator

    CS = crankshaft

    eBSG/CS   = error  of  belt-starter generator

    and crankshaft control

    FpAT  = force applied on automatic belt tensioner

    idk  = direct current (k = BSG, CS) iqk = quadrature current (k =

    BSG, CS)

    IDL = idler

    IBSG/CS   = current on belt-starter generator and crankshaft

    ICScont  = control current on crankshaft

    Jpi, Cpi, Kpi = rotational inertia, viscous

    damping and stiffness of i-th pulley(i = AC, BSG,CS,IDL)

    Jbi, Cbi, Kbi = rotational inertia, viscous damp-

    ing and stiffness of the arc of contact of i-th pulley (i  = AC, BSG,CS,IDL)

    JpAT , CpAT , KpAT  = rotational inertia, viscous damp-

    ing and stiffness of the auto- matic tensioner pulley

    Kek  = electromagnetic motor constant (k = BSG, CS)

    Ldk  = direct inductance (k =

    BSG, CS)

    Lqk  = quadrature  inductance  (k   =

    BSG, CS)

    maAT , CaAT , KaAT  = mass, viscous damping and stiff-

    ness of the arm of the automatic tensioner

    Mk  = torque applied by the motor on the k-th shaft (k = BSG,  CS)

    Mpi =    torque    applied     by     the belt   on   i-th   pulley(i   = AC, BSG,CS,IDL)

    MCS  = output  torque  from crankshaft motor

    MBSGact/cont/ref  = actual,    control    and    reference

    torque on belt-starter  generator

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