
    And CavityMill: The many stages depth mould cavity processes . 

    Rough machining that particularly is applicable to the male contact with the hollow standard 

    And SequentialSurface: The camber occuies simultaneously the workman . 

    In accordance the spare parts and guides that and the thinking of check adjust the removing suppling the largesttest degree control of cutting tool 

    EDSUnigraphics  still consists of greats quantity else the respects meritorous service capacitys , and did not  enumerate one by one here 

    STRATA's process means is analysed 

    STRATA is a digital control programming system development environment , and it is establishing ACIS's geometry model building terrace on 

    It supplys two kinds of programming development environments in the interest of consumer , in immediate future NC's command language interface and the NC's operation C++ storehouse . It may back three to mill , and turning and string cut NC and process , and may back wire frame , camber and the entity geometry model building . Such NC's cutting tool locus formation means is baseding on the physical model . STRATA is baseded on , and what supplys the process means in entity NC's cutting tool locus formation type storehouse consists of : 

    ProfileToolpath: Rough sketch process 

    AreaClearToolpath: The area on plane processes 

    SolidProfileToolpath: The entity rough sketch is processed 

    SolidAreaClearToolpath: The area on entity plane processes 

    SolidFaceToolPath: The entity face processes 

    SolidSliceToolPath: The entity severs process on plane 

    LanguagebasedToolpath: Baseding on , language cutting tool locus generates 

    Else CAD/CAM software , in case Euclid the person who awaits the NC's meritorous service capacity is each has his strong point , yet such fundamental substance is almost alike , the  not natural difference . 

    2.4 main problem of systematic sword track formation means of active duty CAM 

    In accordance tradition CAD/CAM's system and CNC's system work means , CAM's system is with directly either the indirect means gains the produce geometry data model through CAD's system ( by means of neutral papers ) . CAM's system is with spot , string , surface in the three dimensions geometrics model and either the entity is the drive target , the cutting tool locus is processed in the formation , and afterwards the shape with the cutting tool locating file viaes the handle is placed , with the NC's code shape supplys to CNC's machine tool , the some respects problems under being living in entire CAD/CAM and the CNC's system operation process to be : 

    CAM systematically can only gain produce low tier of geometry message through CAD's system , and can not seize voluntarily meritorous service capacity and the semantic information of produce geometry shape information and produce higher level . 

    Hence manufacturing engineering master that entire CAM's process have to be living is very experience haves a hand in secondly , and completees mutually by means of the figure . 

    In case : Manufacturing engineering master . 

    The entire system automation degree is leted drop 

    Being living in the CAM's system generation cutting tool locus , equal also merely embodying low straturm geometry message ( right line and arc geometry locating information ) , along with the a little process control information ( as moving forward ) to rate , main shaft rotation speed and trading sword and so on . 

    Hence , can not obtain the process technology parameter that haves something to do with against generateing the cutting tool locus yet 

    The produce data between CAM's system every module are not  unitied , and the independence is opposite to each other to every module . 

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