
    Sungurtekin and Velcker opened up a miller simulation system . 

    The three dimensions patterns that ought to systematically adopt CSG's law to keep the minutes Mao Pi utilize some fundamental primitives like cuboid , the cylindrical body and taper part of the body , and the set operation , particularly operating , the area by Mao Pi and a series of cutting tool scannings is keep the minutes , afterwards usies the set difference and operates through Mao Pizhong's order take-offing the scanning area . 

    Traverse when the so-called area by has sweep is cutting the cutting tool to move along some locuss area . 

    Per length of Mao Pixing's shape that NC's code  afterwards display the alternation being living scanning 

    Kawashima the person who awaits the joint tree law is expressed Mao Pi and the cutting action area in the way of the joint tree ( Graftree ) , in immediate future and Man Liang's kind connection except for empties the border connection is also as the leaf nodes of eight forks trees ( Octtree ) . 

    The border connection embodys the half-space , and the CSG's operation that the connection substance utilized these half-spaces on to express . 

    The half-space figure that the joint tree subpided step permitted through the border connection is resolved . 

    The cutting action imitation  gradually utilizes Mao Pi and cutting action area to fall short of to operate achieving . 

    The depth buffer algorithm was adoptd in the display of Mao Pi , by Mao Pi pides achieves the looking upon of Mao Pi in the interest of the polygon 

    In the way of the real time baseding on solid modelling means successive renewal of realization Mao Pi may looking upon , very much elder when cosing , the observation means is propose then some are baseded on 

    3.4 means of figure image space baseding on 

    This kind of blanking algorithm that the means was employd figure image space is achieved the entity Boolean calculation . 

    The VanHook adopts scattered law of the image space dynamic figure imitation achieved process . 

    He employs analogous figure blanking Zbuffer's idea , scattered along the view orientation by Mao Pi and cutting tool , is living every one Mao Pi and the cutting tool expresss being called Dexel's composition in the interest of the cuboid along Z's shaft on the screen pixels . 

    The cutting tool cuts that the process of Mao Pi simplifies to the dimension Boolean calculation along the view orientation , and catchs sight of that figure 3 cutting action process   turns into two the Dexel's composition comparing : 

    CASE1: Merely Mao Pi displays Mao Pi , Break 

    CASE2: Mao Pi displays cutting tool , Break after being living the cutting tool completely 

    CASE3: The cutting tool cuts the ministry before Mao Pi , and replaces the Dexel's composition of Mao Pi , and displays cutting tool , Break 

    CASE4: The cutting tool internal cutting Mao Pi leaves out the Dexel's composition of Mao Pi , and displays cutting tool , Break 

    CASE5: The cutting tool internal cutting Mao Pi establishs fresh Mao Pi's Dexel's composition , and displays Mao Pi , Break 

    CASE6: The cutting tool cuts the Mao Pi rear , and replaces the Dexel's composition of Mao Pi , and displays Mao Pi , Break 

    CASE7: The cutting tool displays Mao Pi , Break after being living Mao Pi completely 

    CASE8: The merely cutting tool displays cutting tool , Break 

    This kind of means is shutd entity Boolean calculation and the graphic display process into to a man , and causes the imitation graphic display possess the very good real time 

    Hsu and Yang propose one kind of valid three real-time emulation means milling . 

    They employ Zmap as the base data composition , and keeing the minutes two dimension grid every one diamond part Mao Pi's altitude , in immediate future the Z direction is worth . 

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