     Chinese Internet public opinion research misconduct and Standardization
    Abstract The rapid development of the Internet makes the network has become one of the driving forces of the process of political democratization. More efficient public access to information and resources to express their views through the media network, network public opinion gradually formed and developed rapidly, with its broad influence and penetration, it has gradually become an important form of democratic supervision. In recent years, public opinion has proven network promotes open government and transparent government. Broaden the channels for citizen participation in politics. On the other hand, due to the Internet development in China started relatively late, more populous, the network of public opinion is very confusing. Its improper problems seriously affect the network of their own public opinion and democratic social development. Based on public opinion network elements elaborated analyze its formation mechanism, grasp the characteristics of the study. And summarizes the main performance of the network of public opinion is unsatisfactory and negative effects, Case to analyze and binding moiety. Finally, specific measures from the government's idea of governance and management of both to find an effective way to play an active role.
    Key Words: Supervision Network; Improper; government; Control
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    一 我国网络舆论监督的界定及运行机制    1
    (一)网络舆论监督的构成要素    1
    (二)网络舆论监督的运行机制    2
    二  网络舆论监督的失当及其负面效应    4
    (一)网络暴行对被监督者隐私与名誉的侵害    4
    (二)网络谣言及舆论操纵助长网络暴力与社会混乱    4
    (三)群体极端化的倾向损害党和政府的权威    5
    (四)网络道德审判不利于监督权的有效行使    5
    三  网络舆论监督治理的总体思路和具体对策    6
    (一)对网络舆论监督失当治理的总体思路    6
    (二)对网络舆论监督治理的具体对策    7
    参考文献    10
    一 我国网络舆论监督的界定及运行机制
  1. 上一篇:地方政府官员选拔过程中的激励机制探析
  2. 下一篇:网络群体性事件的起因影响及其应对措施
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