

    毕业论文关键词:城镇化; 失地农民; 社会保障

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Social Security of landless Peasants


    With the acceleration of China's urbanization process, resulting in a large number of rural land resources have been taken, the team of landless farmers. At present, the social security system for landless peasants is not perfect, the legitimate rights and interests of landless peasants are not effectively maintained, all kinds of conflicts occur frequently, seriously affect the social harmony. Therefore, it is urgent to pay attention to the social security of this group, at the same time, it can promote the establishment of a harmonious society. The social security of landless peasants, is the country to come forward the use of various social resources to this group of welfare assistance and to ensure the basic life, in order to ease the social contradictions cause serious wealth differentiation of a system. This paper mainly uses literature research and comparative analysis to explore how to better improve the social security system of landless peasants in China, and thus the stable development of the economy and social harmony have a positive role in promoting.

    Key  Words:  Urbanization;   Land lost farmers;   Social security

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一 城镇化进程中失地农民社会保障的相关概念界定 1

    (一)失地农民的概念和特征 1

    (二)社会保障的概念和功能 2

    二 我国失地农民社会保障存在的问题及原因分析 2

    (一)我国失地农民社会保障存在的问题 3

    (二)我国失地农民社会保障问题的原因分析 4

    三 城镇化进程中完善失地农民社会保障的对策 5

    (一)完善征地制度、提高征地补偿标准 6

    (二)明确政府在完善失地农民社会保障的主导地位 7

    (三)建立完整的失地农民社会保障体系,尤其重视养老和医疗保险 7

    (四)提高失地农民的就业能力 8

    参考文献 10

    致  谢 11


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