摘 要:随着市场经济的发展,城市化进程加剧,我国户籍制度下特有的“农民工”就业歧视的现象越来越严重。在当前这个劳动力市场供求关系难以调和以及社会道德难以约束的社会大背景下,要改善农民工就业过程中遭遇就业歧视的情况,维护其平等就业的合法权利,就必须加强维护其平等就业权的法律规制。本文拟分析农民工遭受就业歧视的表现,研究其遭受就业歧视的原因,借鉴国外反就业歧视立法经验,提出相关立法和制度建议,从而完善我国就业歧视的法律规制。65815
Abstract: Nowadays, the market economy has been developing, and increasing urbanization, the phenomenon of China's household registration system under the unique "migrant workers' employment discrimination is getting worse. Under the current labor market supply and demand situation difficult mediation, social and moral constraints difficult conditions, to change the situation of migrant workers generally face discrimination in employment, protecting their rights to equal employment, we must strengthen the legal protection of their right to equality of employment. This paper through the analysis of migrant workers suffered discrimination in employment performance, analyze the reasons for their suffering discrimination in employment, employment anti-discrimination legislation from abroad the status quo, to improve the legal regulation of employment discrimination recommendations.
Keywords:migrant worker laborer, employment discrimination, legal regulation
目 录
一、引言 4
二、农民工就业歧视的表现 4
(一)农民工就业准入歧视 4
(二)农民工就业待遇歧视 5
(三)农民工就业保障歧视 5
三、农民工就业歧视的法律原因分析 6
(一)城乡二元户籍制度 6
(二)法律制度原因 6
(三)政府原因 8
四、国外有关反就业歧视的立法现状 9
五、我国农民工反就业歧视法律制度的完善的建议 9
(一)改革户籍制度 9
(二)完善法律制度 10
(三)加强政府的调控作用 11
六、引言案例评析 12
结论 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15