
    摘 要:  DSB专家组以司法经济原则而得以实现最经济地利用DSB的司法资源,体现WTO争端解决机制的高效特点。司法经济原则广泛适用,并通过上诉机构的裁决报告进步完善。然而其指向的自由裁量权利在专家组审理实践中出现滥用现象,由此引发关于司法经济原则正当性讨论。本文以其在实践中的运用分析得出司法经济原则置于WTO争端解决机制中的必要性,但该原则的运用主体只应限于专家组而不包括上诉机构。且根据司法经济原则被不当适用的后果,提出建议应以明确方式给予上诉机构对因专家组错误适用司法经济原则而未审查的诉求进行纠正并加以审查的权利,并结合中国在参与WTO争端解决机制的实践,讨论中方可采取的应诉策略。56910


    Abstract: With the principle of judicial economy, DSB Group of Experts are able to achieve the most economical use of DSB's judicial resources, reflecting the efficiency of WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The principle of judicial economy is widely used and improved through the ruling report of the appeal body. However, its discretionary rights are abused in the trial practice of the Group, leading to the discussion about the legitimacy of the principle of judicial economy. Based on the analysis of its application in practice, this paper presents the necessity that the principle of judicial economy should be incorporated into the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, but this principle can only be used by the Group, not including the appeal body. Furthermore, in accordance with the consequences of misuse of the principle of judicial economy, the author puts forward that the appeal body has the right to review and correct the appeal that has not been reviewed by the Group because of misuse of the principle of judicial economy, and discusses the response strategies that can be adopted by China in combination with its participation in the practice of WTO dispute settlement mechanism.

    Key words: the principle of judicial economy, the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, Group of Experts, the Appellate Body

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2  司法经济原则概述 4

    2.1  司法经济原则的基本含义及相关概念辨析4

    2.2  WTO司法实践对司法经济原则的阐释和发展5

    3  司法经济原则适用的必要性 6

    3.1  大量违法竞合案件要求适用司法经济原则 6

    3.2  案件审理效率要求是司法经济原则适用的现实诉求 7

    3.3  实现规避棘手问题是司法经济原则的巧妙适用 7

    4   WTO司法实践适用司法经济原则存在的问题 8

    4.1  司法经济原则的滥用现象 8

    4.2  司法经济原则错误适用的后果 9

    5  司法经济原则适用的完善建议 11

    5.1  适当适用司法经济原则 11

    5.2  解决司法经济原则不当适用产生的后继问题 12

    5.3  司法经济原则适用程序应公正透明 13

    6  中国的诉讼策略 13

    6.1  全面罗列有利诉请以免限制专家组权限 13

    6.2  合理利用司法经济原则 14

    6.3  对司法经济原则的不当适用提出反对 14

    结论  15


    致谢  17

     1  引言


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