


    Abstract:The penalty system, community correction system has become the trend of the penalty system reform in the world. The practice of community correction system, overcomes the defects of the imprisonment, to give prisoners a free, fully embodies the respect and protection of human rights of the modern concept of penalty. Starting from the basic theory of community correction, the first part introduces the origin and the development of community correction, and describes in detail the development process of community correction in china. The second part discusses the current situation of community correction in China, and summarizes the system from the. The third part, as the focus of writing, the author from the legislation, expand the scope of application of community correction, improving social protection relief, improve staff quality, establish special community correction funds system. Then, it elaborates on how to perfect the community correction system in china.

    Keywords: human rights, criminal community, correction


    一、引言 4

    二、社区矫正制度概述 4

    三、我国社区矫正制度的不足 5

    (一)社区矫正机构之间缺乏密切的配合 5

    (二)社区矫正的监督机制薄弱 5

    (三)缺乏出狱人社区矫正公益基地 6

    (四)缺乏社区矫正的专业人员 6

    (五)社区矫正制度适用范围过于局限 6

    (六)矫正经费不足、手段落后 6

    四、我国社区矫正制度的完善 7

    (一)完善立法及监督机制 7

    (二)完善出狱人的保护救济制度 7

    (三)培养社区矫正的高素质专业人员 7

    (四)扩大社区矫正的适用范围 8

    (五)建立专门的社区矫正经费制度 8

    结语 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11



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