

    毕业论文关键词:小产权房 ;农村集体土地 ;存在弊端 ;解决办法

    Abstract: Built on small property right refers to the collective land because there is no pay the land grant fee and other fees for sale of lawful property right certificate and to the collective members of the house. Small property right is with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in our country, have inseparable relations with the rising of commercial housing prices, small property right since 2007 to become the focus of the society. This article through in-depth research development present situation and defects of small property right and discusses the reasons of the existence of small property right, and puts forward some solutions. According to China's existing land policy and real estate, small property right is rejected by law, illegal. The study of small property right law problem is a thing which is closely linked with the public interests, in this paper, starting from the reality of our country, based on the existing land system, put forward the solution, hope to clear the way for our country social construction and development.

    Keywords: The housing of small property right;Rural collective land; Some drawbacks;The solution

    前言 4

    1 小产权房的立法发展 4

    2 小产权房的弊端 6

    2.1 耕地的减少威胁到国家的粮食安全 6

    2.2 小产权房购买者的权益无法得到法律的承认和保护 6

    2.3 面临合同无效、违约的风险 6

    2.4 损伤法律的权威和政府的公信力 6

    2.5 构成了新型城镇化建设的重要阻碍 7

    3 小产权房的成因 7

    3.1 城市房价过高是小产权房形成的直接原因 7

    3.2 土地制度不健全及其执法的不到位 7

    3.3 购买者存在侥幸心理 8

    3.4 城乡二元制结构是小产权房产生的根本原因 8

    3.5 住房保健机制不健全 9

    4 小产权房的问题的解决办法 9

    4.1 对不同小产权房区别对待和处理 9

    4.2 建立各执法部门协调机制 10

    4.3 创新集体土地制度 10

    4.4 完善住房保障制度 11

    4.5 进一步明确法律条文的内容 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13


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