摘 要:产权式商铺所有权界定不明易导致产权式商铺业主和其他主体发生法律纠纷。产权式商铺的所有权并非共同共有和按份共有,应属于建筑物区分所有。对产权式商铺所有权进行限制应主要采取法律规制的办法。具体是明确产权式商铺业主的所有权,明确产权式商铺买卖合同中统一经营、售后返租等特别条款的具体内容,明确委托经营合同的法律关系不是从合同名称得出的委托合同法律关系,而是从合同的内容得出的租赁关系,并加快产权式商铺相关专项立法的进程和实施。66896
Abstract:The unclear pision of the ownership of property business store can easily lead to lawsuits. The ownership of property business store doesn't fall into the degree of joint ownership nor several co-ownership,but into the degree of building differentiation ownership. We need to build the regulation model of " regulating mainly by law, with the complement of some self-discipline and self-rehulation" to regulate the ownership of property business store. And that means we should make laws to enable owners of property business store have the full rights of occupation, use, benefit,disposition,etc to their store. Also, concrete legal norms should be made to make clear definition of the ownership of property business store. Besides, we need to make specific laws to special provisions such as: unified management, sale-leaseback, after sale exclusive leasing etc. in the sale contracts, which are signed by seller and buyer of property business store. Thus, we should accelerate the process of lawmaking and law enforcement in relevant fields of property business store.
Keywords: Property type shops, Ownership, Exercise restrictions
目 录
1 前言 4
2 据以研究的案例 4
2.1 案情简介 4
2.2 案件凸显的法律困境 5
3 产权式商铺所有权界定的学理辨析 6
3.1 共同共有理论 6
3.2 按份共有理论 7
3.3 股权说 7
3.4 建筑物区分所有权理论 8
4 产权式商铺所有权行使的限制措施 9
4.1 建立以法律规制为主的限制模式 9
4.2 明确产权式商铺业主的所有权 10
4.3 对产权式商铺购房合同进行立法限制 10
4.4 加快专项立法的进程并尽快实施。 10
结语 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1 前言