
    摘 要:当今社会,电信服务对人们的日常生活产生了极大的影响。随着电信服务业对社会发展和国民经济促进作用的增强,完善管理制度以及实现可持续发展对国民的发展是极为重要。发展伴随着问题,电信服务业对格式条款的普遍运用的同时,法律问题在电信服务合同中产生,问题主要在于运营商主观的去制订有利自和不利他人的不公平的格式条款。电信服务合同的双方在签订合同时拥有的资源和在社会中地位的悬殊使得双方没有缔结合同的对等条件,导致运营商直接强势地从消费者身上获取不公平的利益。66605



    Abstract:Nowadays,communication service has great influence on people’s daily life. With its increasing impacts on social development and national economy, Mobile Communication Industry supervises professionally and sustains growth, which will be very important to the well-being of our people and country. However, as standard clauses are common in communication industry, some legal issues inevitably appear in the communication service contracts which are mainly made by some operators in order to reduce their responsibilities and evade a statutory duty. The gap between the capacities and statues of parties to the contract caused the contract subjects have no rights to sign a contract. That is how operators can take their own advantage to gain profits from customers.

    This thesis will lay emphasis on issues in the communication standard contract and rights and obligations of both parties. It points out that operators take a dominant position in formulating contracts for a variety of reasons while users’ self selection and right to know are deprived stealthily. A solution will be found in analysis of these issues, the cause and influence of them. 

    Keywords: communication standard contract;standard clauses; solution


    目 录

    1  绪论 4

    2  电信格式合同在现实中存在的问题 4

    2.1  提供者减轻或免除其责任 4

    2.2  排除用户主要权利 5

    2.3  手机套餐流量月底清零 5

    2.4  没及时缴纳电信费导致停机的,停机后继续收取月功能费 6

    2.5  话费被设置了有效期 6

    3  电信格式合同中出现问题的原因 6

    3.1  专门性法律规制缺失 7

    3.2  合同双方能力与地位的不对称 7

    3.3  通信行业的垄断属性 8

    3.4  专业性监管部门缺位 8

    4  解决电信格式合同中问题的方案 8

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

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