
    摘 要: 我国劳务派遣这一用工形式出现较晚,但发展却极为迅速,在发展的过程中出现了一系列问题使得劳动者的权益不能得到充分的保护,诸如相关立法中对于劳务派遣三种性质的界定不够完善,劳动者容易遭到二次派遣,劳务派遣劳动者会受到不公平待遇等等都使得劳务派遣劳动者的权益受损,同时2013年劳动法修正案正式施行,劳务派遣也进一步成为了关注的焦点。本文从我国劳务派遣现状出发,对我国劳动法修正案的实施现状进行分析,结合德国、日本、美国的相关劳务派遣制度,从立法,司法,行政角度上入手,以期更好的完善我国劳务派遣制度,保护劳动者权益。65039


    Abstract: China's labor dispatch the labor form appeared relatively late, but the development was very rapid, in the process of development appeared a series of problems so that the rights and interests of workers could not be fully protected, such as relevant legislation for the labor sent three definition was not perfect enough, workers vulnerable to the second dispatch, dispatch workers would be subject to unfair treatment and so on are makes the labor dispatched laborers of the damage to the interests of, at the same time 2013 labor law amendment formally implemented, the labor dispatch further become the focus of attention. The labor of our country from the send status quo, analysis of the case, the status of implementation of the amendments to the labor law of the people's Republic of China, with Germany, Japan, the United States, labor dispatching system, from the legislation, justice, administrative point of view of the start of the, to better improve our labor dispatch system, Paul protecting the rights and interests of workers.

    Keywords:Labor dispatch, labor, labor units, dispatch units,rights protection


    一、引言 4

    二、我国目前劳务派遣中劳动者权利保护存在的问题 4

    (一)“三性“界定不完善 5

    (二)逆向派遣与派遣时间过长 5

    (三)劳务派遣劳动者处境艰难 5

    三、我国劳务派遣制度相关法律发展及修正案的实施现状 6

    (一) 我国劳务派遣相关法律的演变历史 6

    (二)修正案中劳务派遣制度相关条文变化 7

    (三)《修正案》的实施现状 8

    四、加强我国劳务派遣中劳动者权益保护的对策 9

    (一) 国外相关立法的规定及启示 9

    (二)立法上的完善 9

    (三)行政上的完善 10

    (四)司法上的完善 11

    结  语 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14



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