

    毕业论文关键词  劳动者   休息权   法律保障

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title        The Leagal Protection for the   Workers’ Right of Rest                   


    The workers’right of rest is the right that all the workers enjoy in accordance with the law  to rest and take a vacation,it is one of the most basic constitutional rights of citizens.The important role of workers’right to rest that has been confirmed by the International Bill of Rights and our Constitution,and our Labor Law has established the workers’right of rest for a longe time.However,as the legal system concerning the right to rest is not perfect,operability is not strong, monitoring mechanisms of law need to be strengthen,etc.Finally,workers’ right to rest can’t be come ture actually.This thesis use methods such as analysing words, analysing the history,by analyse the concept, development,current situation and the reason of the problems which lie in the protection system reason workers’right to rest,the author advise to improve the relevant legal system and the legal supervision mechanism so taht to improve the legal protection of workers’right to rest.It is very important to improve the legal protection of workers’right to rest, and then we can protect workers’ right to rest better.

    Keywords  workers;the right of rest;the legal protection

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    2 劳动者休息权概述 1

    2.1 休息权的概念界定 1

    2.2 休息权的法律属性 3

    2.3 休息权的法律价值 4

    3 劳动者休息权的历史沿革 5

    3.1 国际劳动者休息权制度的历史进程 5

    3.2 我国劳动者休息权制度的发展过程 5

    4 我国劳动者休息权法律保障的现状及其原因分析 6

    4.1 我国劳动者休息权法律保障的现状 6

    4.2 我国劳动者休息权法律保障不力的原因分析 9

    5完善我国劳动者休息权法律保障制度的建议 12

    5.1 完善立法保障机制 12

    5.2 完善法律监督机制 14

    5.3完善相关配套机制建设 14

    结  论 16

    致  谢 17

    参 考 文 献

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