

    毕业论文关键词  绿色贸易壁垒    技术标准    环境保护   贸易保护    法律规制

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Green barriers in international trade and Legal Regulation                     


    As a kind of technical barriers ,Green trade barrier refers to in the field of international trade,some developed countries on the purposes of protecting environment and human health, relying on its science and technology advantages through legislation,making multifarious environmental conventions,law,regulations and standards,symbols and other forms to restrict the access to foreign commodities. The performance of green trade barriers can be figured out as forms of green technical standards ,green environment labels ,green tariffs ,green market access system,green package system,green system of sanitation and quarantine, green subsidy and anti-subsidy etc. Green trade barriers can be shown in reasonableness in its name, in validity in its form, in concealment of its protection form, in mandatory and effectiveness in its applications ,in the universality of its protection connotation and in unfairness in its conformity. The level of national economic and technological gaps and the ambiguity of the relevant WTO rules are the fundamental causes of the production of green trade barriers.The conflict between trade and environment,trade protectionism theory and concept of green consumption strengthen the development of green trade barriers.As a form of trade barriers,green trade barrier is to restrict free trade and to reduce environmental impact of trade. Green trade barrier have a great impact on China’s export industry and environmental protection.At the same time,it can lead to bilateral or multilateral trade friction,which goes against the rapid development of international trade.Both international and domestic law have provisions concerning green trade barriers.To response the increasingly fierce international competition,China is not only against the unreasonable green trade barriers,but also exploring and improving our legal regulations about green trade barriers.

    Keywords  Green trade barrier    technical standard    environmental protection     trade protectionism     legal regulation

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