
    摘要:随着社会经济的迅速发展,城市化进程的加快,城市里高层建筑物越来越多,随之而来的高空抛物侵权案件频频发生,高空抛物致人损害逐渐成为一个日益严重的社会问题,并且给社会带来了许多不良的负面影响。高空抛物现象也曾被称为“悬在城市上的痛”。高空抛物,是一种不文明的行为,而且会带来很大的社会危害,给人们造成了肉体、精神和经济上的极大伤害。就在此时,我国有关高空抛物的相关立法出台,为处理高空抛物侵权案件作了明确的规定,给大众在此类侵权案件面前指明了方向,同时也表明了立法者的态度。但是在我国 《侵权责任法》出台以前,高空抛物却查不出具体侵权人的案件屡见不鲜,处理该类案件没有相关的法律依据,导致法院做法不一,审判结果各异。本文通过典型的案例,从理论与实践的角度出发,分析《侵权责任法》第八十七条的不足之处,提出相应的立法完善建议,做到更有利于保护受害人的利益,促进社会和谐。66079


    Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy, the speeding up of urbanization, the city more and more high-rise buildings, the subsequent high altitude parabolic infringement cases also occur frequently, high altitude parabolic causes person damage has become an increasingly searious social problem and many bad negative influence on society. High altitude parabolic phenomenon also has been called “hanging on the city of pain”. High altitude parabolic,  it is a kind of uncivilized behavior and will bring great social harm, caused people’s physical ,spiritual and economic damage. Just then, the high altitude parabolic related legislation of our country, for treatment of high altitude parabolic infringement cases made clear rules , to the public in the presence of such infringement cases pointed out the direction, at the same time show the attitude of lawmakers. However ,the tort liability law in China before, high altitude parabolic but did not find the specific cases involning the infringer, handle the cases without access to relevant legal basis, lead to different court practice ,the trial results of different. This article through the typical case , from the perspective of theory and practice ,analysis of the “tort liability law” the eighty-seventh deficiency, put forward the corresponding legislative suggestions, do more conducive to protect the interests of the victim, to promote social harmony.

    Keywords: high altitude parabolic infringement ,tort liability law, constitutive requirements, the responsibility main body, the characteristics of tort


    1问题的引出 4

    2高空抛物侵权责任的基本理论 4

    2.1 高空抛物侵权行为的概念 4

    2.2高空抛物侵权行为的构成要件 4

    2.3高空抛物侵权行为责任主体的确定 5

    2.4高空抛物侵权行为的特征 5

    3 我国有关高空抛物侵权行为的主要立法演变 6

    3.1《民法通则》第126条 6

    3.2《侵权责任法》第87条 6

    4高空抛物侵权行为的立法现状的问题分析 7

    4.1《侵权责任法》第87条的合理性分析 7

    4.2《侵权责任法》第87条的立法不足之处 8

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