

    毕业论文关键词  国际投资  条约  解释方法  ICSID 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Interpretation of International Investment Treaties                      



    As the active resistance of the transnational capital flow has been enhanced, in order to give more facilities to different countries as well as international investors, it is essential to establish a good mechanism of investment disputes settlement. The arbitration findings should be interpreted with reference to the relevant international investment treaties as a basement. So, we can find the importance of the interpretation of international investment treaties. General explanation of international investment treaties contains: the usual sense of the Interpretation Act, the context system of the Interpretation Act and the object and purpose of the Interpretation Act. The lack of the interpretation of international investment treaties contains: Different interpretations of the same point of contention methods; different interpretation result of the same terms. The main reasons of the lack contain: the lack of international investment treaties interpretation and the improper interpretation of the ICSID. International investment treaty interpretation can be improved through the improvement of legislative interpretation of the Convention and the establishment of a unified system of legal interpretation.

    Keywords  International Investment, Treaties, interpretation, ICSID

    目   次

    1  引言  1

    2  国际投资条约解释概述  1

    2.1  国际投资条约解释的主要解释方法  1

    2.1.1  通常意义解释法  2

    2.1.2  上下文体系解释法  2

    2.1.3  目的和宗旨解释法  3

    2.2  国际投资条约的主要解释主体——国际投资争端解决中心  4

    3  国际投资条约解释的不足与原因分析  5

    3.1  国际投资条约解释的不足  5

    3.1.1  相同争点的不同解释方法  5

    3.1.2  相同条款的不同解释结果  6

    3.2  国际投资条约解释不足的原因分析  6

    3.2.1  国际投资条约解释方法的缺陷  7

    3.2.2  国际投资条约解释主体的不当解释  9

    4  国际投资条约解释不足的应对   11

    4.1  完善公约的立法解释   11

    4.2  建立统一的ICSID法律解释制度   11

    5  结论   12

    致谢    14

    参考文献  16

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