



    毕业论文关键词  视频分享网站 信息网络传播权 间接侵权 避风港原则

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Study on Copyright Infringement of the   

      Video Sharing Website                    


    With the Video sharing website being in the ascendant in China, a series of problems caused by the infringement of the copyright also follow close on succession. The video sharing website is only an information storage space that provides a platform for the users to exchange information. When the website itself does not directly upload video files, its legal identity is the Internet Service Provider. While when it exchange the information by itself, it will change into the admixture of the Internet Service Provider and the Internet Content Provider.

    The essence of the copyright infringement of the video sharing website is infringing the right of information network dissemination.There are two kinds of way to infringe the copyright: direct infringement and indirect infringement, and the indirect infringement includes help and alternative infringing copyright. As the traditional tort, the video sharing website's copyright infringement consists of four constitutive requirements: the tort ,the damage fact, the causality and the fault. On the exemption of liability for tort, we draw lessons from the western countries "safe   harbor principle" and make five grounds for exemption:note the information, not change the content, not know the infringement, not directly get the interests, already delete the information.

    For the emerging problem of network copyright infringement, the existing legislation of our country has some sporadic regulations  which can be used in the judicial practice. But there are still some problem such as not including indirect infringement system, not making the standard of" know or should know" clear, not making the procedure of" notification- delete" specific which should be improved. we should draw the indirect infringement system into our law ,make the standard of "know or should know"clear and make the procedure of "notification-delete" specific.

    Keywords  Video sharing website  the right of communication through information network  indirect infringement  safe harbor principle

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