
     [8]Fire danger grade of the place of this project is medium dangerous level (grade 2). Using wet sprinkler system, the water supply pipeline is the ring, and the central central water supply layout of water distribution pipeline is arranged.. The independent wet alarm valve group is used and the alarm control device is provided.. The sprinkler water intensity of the sprinkler system is 8L/minm2, the area of action area is 160m2, the nozzle spacing is 3.6m. The working pressure of the nozzle at the worst point is 0.1MPa for P0.
     [9]This engineering fire stairs and common antechamber and fire stairs and fire elevator combined anterior part of the natural smoke and underground part set pressurization air supply system, walkways, atrium set mechanical smoke exhaust system.
    [10]The automatic fire alarm system protection level of the project is the first level, the use of the control center alarm system form. The system has the fire control room, the fire emergency broadcast, the manual fire alarm button, etc
    Key words:  fire protection system design; analysis of fire hazards; smoke control system; hydrant system; automatic fire alarm system; configuration of fire extinguisher.
    0 绪论    - 1 -
    0.1 设计目的和意义    - 1 -
    0.1.1 设计目的和意义    - 1 -
    0.1.2皮革城火灾的主要特点    - 1 -
    0.1.3现代皮革城消防设计存在的问题    - 2 -
    0.2设计主要内容    - 2 -
    0.2.1建筑耐火设计    - 2 -
    0.2.2总平面和防火分区设计    - 2 -
    0.2.3安全疏散设计    - 3 -
    0.2.4室内装修设计    - 3 -
    0.2.5灭火器配置    - 3 -
    0.2.6消防给水系统设计    - 3 -
    0.2.7自动喷水灭火系统设计    - 3 -
    0.2.8防排烟系统设计    - 4 -
    0.2.9火灾自动报警系统设计    - 4 -
    1设计依据及工程概况    - 5 -
    1.1设计依据    - 5 -
    1.2工程概况    - 5 -
    1.2.1 地理位置    - 5 -
    1.2.2建筑基本概况    - 5 -
    1.2.3设计标准    - 5 -
    1.2.4主要经济技术指标    - 6 -
    2建筑物耐火等级    - 7 -
    2.1建筑物耐火等级概述    - 7 -
    2.2建筑材料的燃烧性能与建筑构件的耐火极限    - 7 -
    2.2.1建筑材料的燃烧性能及分级    - 7 -
    2.2.2建筑构件的燃烧性能和耐火极限    - 7 -
    2.2.3建筑构件的燃烧性能和耐火极限的关系    - 8 -
    2.3确定建筑的分类    - 8 -
    2.4 建筑耐火等级设计    - 8 -
    2.5设计小结    - 9 -
    3 建筑总平面布置    - 10 -
    3.1建筑总平面布置概述    - 10 -
    3.2防火间距设计    - 10 -
    3.2.1防火间距设计意义    - 10 -
    3.2.2防火间距设计依据    - 10 -
    3.2.3防火间距设计内容    - 10 -
    3.3消防车道设计    - 11 -
    3.3.1消防车道设计意义    - 11 -
    3.3.2消防车道    - 11 -
    3.3.3消防车道设计依据    - 11 -
    3.4 设计小结    - 11 -
    4 防火分区设计    - 12 -
    4.1防火分区设计的原因概述    - 12 -
    4.2防火分区设计的目的    - 12 -
    4.3 防火分区设计内容    - 12 -
    4.3.1水平防火分区划分的依据    - 12 -
    4.3.2水平防火分区具体划分情况    - 12 -
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