    关键字: 建筑给排水,系统,消火栓,自动喷水灭火系统,地下车库
    The Design of Office Building‘s Water Supply and Drainage
    General description of design: The office building is different from residential buildings, for residential housing, the focus of our water supply and drainage design consider on the user's water supply including hot water, cold water, and sewage waste water emissions, and drainage and fire water supply. This design is for the office building t; our design focus on the supply of machine fire-fighting facilities, fire water placement and determination. In addition, there is the design of water supply and drainage, but the water supply and drainage design of the toilet is mainly. Based on the followings we get the above decisions. First, for the office building, the need of water is not too much, toilet water is the most centralized place, so that the water in the water supply to the bathroom as a key object of consideration, other rooms for the office building, does not need water (the general drinking water for mineral water or self-cleaning type drinking machine), so consider this situation we are in water supply and drainage is not done too much to take. Second, inside the office building room there are many office supplies, such as computer, file, or some other equipment, its economic value is relatively high, and these office supplies can not be belittled, importance and confidential documents related to the most important things can not be ignored. So, on the one hand for the fire, requirement is more stringent, because hurt devastating fires are quite serious, based on this consideration, water for fire design and make more stringent requirements, but also as a priority among priorities of design.
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