




    Abstract The topic of this design is: The Design Of Hua Tai Office Building .The design contents includes the building design and construct-ion design. This design are four layer .The story altitude of floor is 3.6meters . The whole building acreage is near to5806 square meters, the level of indoors and outside is 0.45 meter, this engineering sets up the opposite elevation is ±0.000, on the function satisfy request of the people work in. The request of the usage ,can  make use of the limited space arrange layout more reasonable.        

    This project adopts reinforced concrete frame construction, the building anti-earthquake establishes to defend strong degree as 7 degree, foundation adopts the reinforced concrete pillar descends the independent foundation, stairs adopts plank type stairs. The calculation of construction includs calculate with hand and calculate with machine-readable, the part of calculate with hand include: the construction cal-culation of the frame of ping, the calculation of the close floor in that frame knot-hole, the calculation of the pillar under the frame descends pole , the calculation ofthe stairs;The machine-readable part adopts  PKPM construction software empolder by constructs science academy of proceed the whole three- dimensional space analysis calculation. 

     Through graduation design, I proceeds my four years' profession knowledge synthesize to the application, improve my profession level ,prepare massiness basic for my work in the future. 

    Keywords:  architectural design; structural design; foundation; floor


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1  设计背景及目的 1

    1.2  课题研究方法 1

    1.3  论文构成 1

    1.3.1  建筑设计部分 1

    1.3.2  结构设计部分 1

    第二章  建筑设计说明 3

    2.1  建筑方案设计 3

    2.2  建筑平面设计 3

    2.3  建筑立面设计 3

    2.4  建筑剖面设计 4

    2.5  一些主要建筑的做法 4

    第三章  结构设计 6

    3.1  结构设计说明 6

    3.1.1  材料 6

    3.1.2  主要参数及结构计算方法 6

    3.2  结构设计与布置 7

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