

    毕业论文关键词: 高层  框架—剪力墙  振型分解  弯矩二次分配


    With the rapid development of society, the shortage of land resources, the high-rise building more and more get the favour of developers. So the graduation design, selection of high-rise office building design, structural form with frame - shear wall structure. Main content including the architectural design part, and the structural design part. Building part including the floor plan layout, construction drawing, etc. Structure design part includes: the size of the primary structures, calculation of stiffness characteristic value, SAP2000 modeling calculation of structure vibration mode, the modal decomposition method is used to calculate the elastic displacement under seismic action, seismic action calculating the Angle, wind load and seismic action use D value method to carry on the part of the framework of internal force calculation, according to the equivalent bending stiffness to the internal force distribution, coupling beam of shear wall under the vertical load calculation of internal force, using the bending moment secondary distribution method of internal force calculation, considering various loads of internal force combination, to achieve "strong shear weak bending", "strong column weak beam" shifted control section internal force and reinforcement calculation of structure components and foundation design. Finally PKPM computing and error analysis.

    Keywords: high-rise frame - shear wall vibration mode decomposition bending moment secondary distribution


    第一章  框架—剪力墙结构设计要点及步骤 1

    1.1 框架—剪力墙结构的特点 1

    1.2 框架—剪力墙协同工作原理 8

    1.3 框架—剪力墙结构的分析计算方法 9

    1.4  荷载计算 10

    1.4.1竖向荷载 10

    1.4.2风荷载 11

    1.4.3水平地震作用 14

    1.5结构变形验算 17

    1.5.1水平荷载作用下结构的位移验算 17

    1.5.2结构变形验算 18

    1.6 水平荷载作用下结构的内力分析 18

    1.6.1 总剪力墙、总框架、总连梁的内力计算 19

    1.6.2 各片墙、各榀框架、各根连梁的内力计算 22

    1.6.3 竖向荷载作用下结构的内力分析 26

    1.7 本设计的内容和设计方法

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